Chapter 51 😺

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I was on the war path and ready to destroy anything in my way and get answers.

Why did Namjoon tell me to contact my therapist if for any reason I would need a Doctor?

I took Lisa by the hand out the car just outside the building my therapist works in and storming up to her office with out a doubt in my mind.

I'm exhausted and stressed and I need to know what the hell is going on.

Nothing stopped me from approaching my therapist receptionist and demand to see her now. I wasn't in the mood for games and I don't care if I came across as rude, I don't give a fuck.

She told me that Dr Lim was on a break so I stomped to her office with Lisa chasing after me trying to clam me down and reason for me to wait but no. I'm going to talk to this woman one way or another and that is now.

I didn't bother to knock to i opened the door myself and found Dr Lim at her desk in mid action of sipping on her cup of coffee.

"We need to talk Dr Lim and I'm in no mood for lies right now. I've had enough of them so I demand to know, why would Namjoon tell me that I need to see you if I need to see a doctor?"

She sighs and places her cup down on her desk and stands up calmly while patting down her skirt.

"Come in y/n there's things we need to talk about." Dr Lim

"Damn straight there is!"

I exclaimed and walked in further and Lisa closes the door as she follows me in. I took a seat on the couch with arms crossed and glare at the woman.

"Well?! Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Y/n I think you need to calm down." Lisa

I turn my head in her direction by the door and stare back at her in disbelief.

"Calm down? Seriously? Last night I found out my hybrids killed my parents, one of them even tried to kill me. Then they come into my life and make me fall in love with them then just to be taken away from me by these men I've never seen before, I'm pretty sure I even witnessed a murder too!!! And then to make matters worse they mess around with my birth control pills and now I'm FUCKING PREGNANT!!!"

I screamed the last part at her. She flinches since I never raise my voice at anyone but all the while more tears fell down my cheeks. It hurts, all of it hurts.

"Your pregnant Y/n?" Lisa

Oh yeah. I didn't tell her yet.

"Yes I'm pregnant and I have no clue which one is the father so yeah."

I faked smiled at her. Lisa gives me a look of pity and sadness and comes to sit by my side and take my hand.

"I have an idea who y/n but I think out of all of them you may not like it even more than now." Dr Lim

How the hell would she know??


She walks around from her desk and over to her patient chair that she sits in when she's with a patient, and calmly places her hands on her lap.

"By the bite mark Namjoon gave you. It was different from the others but it showed desperation and something he wanted. I'm not entirely sure of what hybrids like him can do if I'm honest. I just know what they're capable of and I have to say I did see this coming." Dr Lim

"So you know them too? The day I brought them in here that wasn't the first time was it?"

It has to make sense that they knew each other. No way would Namjoon suggest her for help unless he knew her longer than one day.

"No it wasn't the first time. I work for your company yes which is just now taking orders of your uncle and before you try to deny it y/n it's true. You have an uncle who secretly ran the company for years but knows his time is running short because of your mental health that has been getting better.
Meaning he would have to step down and let you take his place. He doesn't like that." Dr Kim

"So you met him?"

She nods firmly and takes off her glasses to wipe her eyes.

"Yes unfortunately. He's not a nice man in fact I find him worse than your parents. So I wouldn't like to see what he has plans for those boys. Those experiments are not very pretty, I've seen them and I even felt sorry for them. That's why when they were here I said nothing and I didn't even tell your uncle of their where abouts. I knew they had a liking to you the moment they walked in the room despite their shocked reactions to me. If they really wished you harm y/n they would of killed you by now." Dr lim

I scoff and turn my head away from her.

They don't like me. They don't love me. It was just all a game to them. Nope don't believe it. As for having an uncle, if I had an uncle then why can't I meet him. Either way one thing for sure is he WILL step down in MY company and don't care. I'll use force if I have to.

"I'll sort out my uncle soon enough I don't know him and I don't care to know him. And correction about wanting to kill me, Namjoon DID try to kill me."

I pointed out to her with a sharp know at all glare but she again remains completely calm which is starting to bother me.

"But he didn't kill you y/n and I wouldn't even say try either. Like I said the ELITE7 as they are known for there is no try but only do. Trust me if he really wanted you dead you would of lasted seconds y/n. You're parents died slowly because they wanted it that way. Namjoon only attacked you because of his mind trying to reject just how he really feels about you." Dr Lim

"Okay? Care to explain that one? How could he care about me so much that he needed to attack me and at that point never met?"

I sassed her but she chuckled and finally put her glasses back on.

"That's what I made you believe when you were a little girl. You and Namjoon have a past y/n. He didn't know this until I reminded him when you took him here with the others and we had our private conversation." Dr Lim

No we didn't. I think I would of remembered.

I looked at Lisa who was quietly listening to everything being said. She just shrugged at me having to no clue what to say and I don't blame her. I wouldn't either if I wasn't so angry right now.

"What kind of past are we talking about here?"

"Namjoon was in your life for the first six years y/n before he was forced away because you parent didn't like how close the two of you were. So they took him away, hired me to make both of you forget about each other and in the process it made Namjoon hate you instead of the love he felt for you. Actually come to think of it I hope they don't do that with all of them as we speak. That won't be good." Dr Lim

"That would happen to them?"

Now I was worried. More worried. They would do that to them? It's still shocking that the company I own were doing things that I had no clue about and I will be putting a stop to it.

"Yes they would. It would make them more dangerous and obedient when it comes to their missions. I could help you y/n. With everything, pregnancy, since if anyone were to find out you were pregnant with a hybrids child since it's impossible for any human or hybrid to reproduce together the company would want to experiment on you and the child especially since it's fathered by one of the ELITEs. I could also find out where they're held. I want to help you if you'd let me." Dr lim

I could use help especially if she knows the inside of things and the right people to talk to.

"I want to help too. I need to make it up to Jimin and Jungkook some how." Lisa

Lisa could find out things from her uncles side of things also. It could work the three of us together to stop all this experiments and even after all they've done to me I want them out of where ever they are.

But there's one thing I want to do first.

"Okay fine. But first things first. I want to remember my past with Namjoon."

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