Chapter 59😺

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As soon as we were released the seven of us scattered into the near by woods and just ran for it. At first it was just to get out of there but then reminded ourselves we had a mission and that was to be rid of this Y/n person. As far as I know she needs to be eliminated and quickly as it's under orders that the sooner she goes the better.

However every time I think about her, I may feel hatred towards her but when I've seen a picture of her my mind explodes in pain and my heartrate picks up. I don't understand why but I don't care. A target is a target and that is all she is.

The seven of us separated into different groups. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jin were together and Jungkook and Jimin went in a entirely different direction. We didn't need cars as we're very fast so we just stick to our feet running through the trees, jumping over bushes and even climbing a very cliffs here and there and even we Yoongi and I, who I was partnered with had so swim across the river to get here. It wasn't that hard but I enjoyed it very much. Just to feel free and run through the wild like that but Yoongi and I knew where we were going.

We knew of Y/n's scent since Mr Han, our supervisor gave us a sweater that belonged to her just before he left. Being treated like we were dogs if you ask me but that's what we were told to smell before leaving. With each step Yoongi and I took her scent was growing stronger and stronger. Yoongi knows of this too judging by the look of determination and his smirk on his face as he knows of whats to come. Yoongi loves to kill what ever he gets his hands on when it comes to these types of missions and I do too but Yoongi is looking at this like Y/n is the prey and I cant argue with that because that is what she is to us right now.

Y/n's scent blew straight into my face like a truck, hitting me hard. I don't know why but I found myself stopping when I also could smell something more, mixtures of scents like hybrids? But they are familiar and I frown in confusion trying to pin point where I have smelled this before. I mean I could smell Yoongi but he's standing right here beside me giving me a questionable look to why I have stopped but I could also smell his scent directly up ahead as if he were once there which is impossible because he's been with me the whole time.

"Why did you stop? Let's go, she's right up there." Yoongi

He points in the same direction his scent is also lingering.

"Can you smell that?"

I sniffed the air some more and Yoongi also begins to sniff the air, raising his chin in the air but his eyes widen to look in the direction we are going and then back to me.

"How is your scent up there when you're with me right now?" Yoongi

I shrugged so confused right now.

"I don't know. I can smell you up there too."

He sniff the air again and begins to walk towards the scent and I follow him closely. I was curious to what was going on right now but Y/ns scent also grew stronger as well as the others that were now becoming stronger. It's defiantly hybrids but it's Yoongi's scent I'm smelling.

"What the fuck? I can smell Jimin and Taehyung here too." Yoongi

"Maybe they're here already."

I suggested but Yoongi hisses through his teeth and halts in his steps, tail whipping dangerously slow.

"Maybe that bitch got to them." Yoongi

He was about to charge but then I grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him shaking my head at him.

"I don't think so. I can smell you there too and you said you can smell me. I think we better be cautious and find out how that is possible."

Yoongi seemed conflicted at first, his ears twitching aggressively but forces a nod and begins to walk again. I sighed at the situation and continued walking with him. Only did we stop when we could see through the trees a little white house that seems so familiar some how, I don't know why but it does.

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