Chapter one

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I look at the clock and see it says 9:00. Come on Cameron! Where are you? *Knock**Knock* Ah about time! I think to myself as I walk over to the door. As I open the door Cameron practically tackles me, making me fall to the ground with him on top." Chelsea!!!" he screams. I chuckle. He's a mess. "Cameron!!!" I scream back, while looking into his golden brown eyes. "Now Hun. Why are so excited? You saw me yesterday." "Sooooooo? I missed you!!!" he says pouting. "Awe I missed you too. Now get up!" I say pushing him off. "Oh come on. You know you love it!" he says pulling me closer. "Psh please." I say walking away while flipping my hair in his face. I hear him chuckle in the back ground.
I guess I should fill you in on myself and Cameron. Well I'm Chelsea Lynnae. I'm 17. I live in Los Angeles. I moved away from my parents, in Maryland, a year ago in order to go to school. Cameron is Cameron Dallas. Yes the Cameron Dallas form Magcon. He's 20. He moved to Los Angeles at the same time and because he is famous and decided to move in with one of his best friends, Nash. So I'm guessing you're wondering if we're dating because of what happened earlier. We're not but trust me I wish we were. But he's my best friend and that works too.
Okay so back to what's actually happening. I continue to my living room, plopping down on the couch. He follows, plopping down right next to me. He does the famous yawn and put the arm around me thing, like always. "So what do you want to do?" he asks, looking down at me, into my blue eyes (since he's so much taller). "I don't know. But I do know that I don't feel like going outside." I say looking up at him. He smiles and says "I don't either." "I guess we can just watch some TV." I suggest. "Yeah that's fine with me. As long as I can hold you." He says while winking at me. "Oh brother." I say as I roll my eyes and pick up the remote. I flip through the different channels until I come across the show Face Off. At the same time we turn and look at each other smirking. This show is both of our favorites. This episode is about coming up with a look that goes with the challenge, which is a harmless person trying to kill people. That's when Cameron's phone goes off. "Uh hello?" he says, very confused. "Um, okay. Thanks" he says, while gulping."What's wrong?" I ask. "They said a murder is in our neighborhood. And I don't want you to be hurt." He says. "As long as you're here, I'll be fine." I say slightly smiling.
It's 2 PM in the afternoon now. Cameron and I have kept watching Face Off but at the same time making sure no one snuck into the house. "Chelsea are you alright?" Cameron asks. "Oh yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking is all." I answer. "Well what were you thinking about?" he asks sweetly. But how can I tell him what I'm thinking if I tell him that I love him? He'd just leave me and I can't have that happen. "Uh just scared is all." I say slightly lying. "You know I'm here for you." He says, scooting closer and holding me tight. I take a deep breath and let it out shakily. "Hey you alright? I felt you shake." He says. "Oh yeah. But I'm kind of cold." I say, truthfully. "Here" He says and puts a blanket over both of us. "Better?" he asks. I shake my head yes, scared of how I would sound if I actually said it. I lay my head on his shoulder to try thinking of anything and everything except for my love for him
I look at the clock and see that it's 7 PM. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner. All of a sudden I feel hands on my hips and hear "BOO!!!" I scream, terrified. Cameron is on the ground laughing extremely hard. "God dang it Cameron. I thought you were the murder. "I scream, slapping him. "I'm sorry babe." He says giggling a little. "Whatever." I say really frustrated. "Oh come on Chelsea. You know I didn't mean to." He says sweetly. I continue to ignore him. "Chel-"he starts to say but is interrupted by glass shattering. I snap my head at him, my eyes bulging out, terrified, to see if he heard it also. He points to the stairs, saying we have to hide. We quietly and quickly run up the stairs to try and stay safe. We go into my room and hide in the closet. I look at him scared out of my mind. He sees me look at him one time and pulls me closer. He rocks me back and forth while whispering "It's okay. We'll be fine."
I think to myself it's either now or never to tell him. "Cameron" I say quietly. He looks down at me. "I-I-I love you." I say quietly and scared. He looks a little surprised but before I can say anything else he leans down and kisses me. On. The. Lips. My eyes are wide open, in shock, at first but close quickly enjoying the kiss while I can. He pulls away slowly, with his hands on my cheeks, smiling at me. "I love you too." He says quietly. My smile grows because of what he said. He said he loves me!! I can't believe it!! I think to myself.
As we continue to hold each other we hear the footsteps going up the stairs. I freeze, my heart racing, even faster. Cameron holds me trying to calm me down, but just as scared. The footsteps steadily get closer and closer. The door to my bedroom creaks open. I feel myself shaking uncontrollably scared out of my mind.
In case I die I turn to Cameron and mouth "I love you." He mouths back "I love you too."The man on the other side opens the door to look inside when all three of us hear police sirens and the front door down stairs be kicked open. The man slams the door that was once again between us, taking off to try and get away. That's when I take a breath, realizing I had been holding my breath. I look at Cameron and he says "I told you that I'm here for you. I'm not leaving you and that I'd protect you." Then he kisses my forehead. I smile, thankful that I met him. We slowly walk out seeing the police arresting the man that was the murder. The man turns and looks at me smirking, like he will come back. I scream and jump in Cameron's arms, terrified. He holds me tight glaring at the man. After the police take him out they walk over to ask us questions. "What happened? Was anything taken? How did the events of the crime unfold? "After explaining everything to them and getting checked for any harm to us they leave telling us we'd be called later for information. Cameron turns to me and asks "Do you want to go to my house to feel a little safer?" he asks, knowing instantly that is what I want to do. We slowly walk to his car. Him opening the passenger door for me like a gentleman and then jogging over to his side.
Cameron drives like normal, except this time it's completely quite, most likely because of how scared I still am. He notices and grabs my hand asking "Do you want to go right to bed when we get there or do you want to stay up and do something?" "Uh I don't think I'll be able to sleep but I am really tired. Then again I also want to watch TV. Alright never mind I don't really know." I ramble on."How about we lie in bed while watching TV. So that way if you want to sleep, I'm there to hold you and if you don't you can just watch TV." He comes up with. "That's perfect!" I say kissing his check.
Once we finally get to his house, we walk into his room. I realize then that I don't have any pajamas. "Uh Cam. I don't have any PJ's." I say a little shyly. "It's okay I've got clothes that you can borrow." He says "Are you sure? I mean I can live sleeping in this." I say looking down at my jean shorts and tank top. "Yes I'm sure. I don't mind." He smiles softly. "O-O-Okay. Thanks." I say shyly again, a little embarrassed. "Hey missy! Stop being embarrassed! We've been best friends for a while now and you were never shy before so don't be shy just because you're my girlfriend now." He says, as his smile grows. "I'm your girlfriend?" I ask a little surprised, since he hadn't asked me out yet. "Oh yeah. I-I-I mean, if you want to be." He says now becoming the shy one. I giggle and say "Of course I do you goof." His smile becomes huge and he runs over, picking me up and swinging me around. I giggle having a good time even after what had happened. He puts me down but doesn't let go. We've both got huge smiles on our faces thinking of nothing but the goof balls that we both are.
After finally settling down, we lay in his bed watching some TV. I don't know about him, but I'm not paying attention because I' m too busy staring at his face. "You should take a picture. It'll last longer!" he says while smirking. I blush, horribly, while hiding my face in the pillow. "Oh come on Chels. Don't hide that beautiful face." He says while tickling me. I giggle and blush even more. He puts his arms around me and pulls me on top of him. "Ah. Much better!" he says, winking at me. "Oh my God Cameron" I say hiding my face again. I'm telling you, this boy right here defiantly knows how to make me blush. He lifts my chin saying "Are you any bit tired?" turning into a more responsible Cameron, which doesn't happen too often. "N-"I start but it gets interrupted by a yawn. "Hmmm I'd say different." He says teasing me. "Yeah I guess I am but can we keep the TV on please?" I ask, still a little scared. "Oh course sweetheart." He says, kissing my forehead.
We are laying so my head is on his chest, our legs are tangled together, he's holding my hand and I'm cuddled as close as possible. And let's just say this is the best position possible. I look up at him and see he's really into the show that is currently on. I giggle a little and quietly, but he somehow still hears it looking down at me asking "What?" giggling a little himself."Nothing. Just you're absolutely adorable!" I say honestly. "Oh okay. But go ahead and go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning." He says kissing my forehead one last time. I lay there for only a few minutes before I fall asleep comfortable and safe.

#Cameron's P.O.V
After an eventful afternoon Chelsea is knocked out on my chest, but I don't mind. I stare at her sweet, peaceful, and beautiful face. Man am I lucky! I don't deserve her. I think to myself. I love this girl and if I would have lost her, I wouldn't be able to live. I just can't live without her. Not after everything we've been through In this past year.


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