"First you ought to explain this to me!"

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Laura´s POV

I really loved the music! I don´t know how I´ve never heard of R5, but they are just awesome! (A/N Right? :D) And I found it super cute how shy Ross was.. and he made me curious. "So are you still a band?" I asked him, but he wouldn´t answer, but just stare on the road.. "Ross?" I repeated. Seems like he has secrets too.. I considered. "Okay, you don´t have to answer.." I mumbled as I still got no response from him. It was around 11am, wow time was running! I can´t believe I already spent 4hours in the car with Ross and didn´t even got bored yet. Maybe he´s not that bad Laura.. A new song started, it was a girls voice now.. "Come on Ross! Just tell me please.." I begged. "No." He shook his head.. "But.." I started again. "Just drop it Laura!" A few minutes later, Ross stopped the car. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "What about fueling little genius?" Ross replied. Wow, his mood definitely changed since I mentioned his band.. "Yeah right.." I muttered as he got out of the car. I got out too and fished my other phone out of my bag. Yeah, I have two phones, but I normally never use the smart-phone, I love my flip phone too much! But as it was low on battery now, I gotta use the other one. I sat back down, while Ross was paying for the fueling.. An idea crossed my mind, I opened Google and typed R5.. Immediately old article about them appeared on my screen, they must have been pretty successful! I clicked on one saying:

Mysterious Break-Up of our all time favorite band - What has Lead Singer Ross Lynch to do with it?

I read the whole article, but it basically just said, that the band broke up 3 years ago and no one exactly knows why. Some people blame Ross for it, but I didn't got why. Ross Lynch..so this was his name.. he didn´t tell me his last name earlier, probably that´s the reason. I googled his name too, yeah okay, I stalked him a bit, but he made me curious with refusing anwers. So I got to know, he´s 21, a succesfull singer and single.. Not that I especially looked for this fact! But another headline caught my attention.

Singer Ross Lynch seen hooking up with a mysterious girl this morning.. Is he secretly taken?

Magazines love the adjective "mysterious" don´t they? But I had the weird feeling as if I missed something important, so I read the line again and I noticed the date. 24th December.. but Ross was with me this morning! I gasped.. It couldn´t be.. no! I hectically clicked on the article, just to gasp again! There was a huge photo of Ross, laying on top of me in the white snow.. I must admit it looked pretty romantic, but that´s exactly the fault in this picture! The article said, the picure showed Ross with his new girlfriend. "They spent the night together in this romantic little motel, before they cuddled in the snow this morning" Are they on drugs or something? Ugh this was all Ross´ fault! He could´ve told me, that he´s a star and cameras could be stalking us!

I was already really angry when Ross came back and as he came back with a smirk on his face, it got even worse! "Look Laura, I know it isn´t quite fair I didn´t..-" He started but I cut him off. "No thanks! I don´t want to hear anything from you! First you ought to explain this to me!" I handed him the phone and watched his reaction. He wasn´t even surprised, what the.. "You knew this?" I asked and yanked the phone out of his hands. "Yeah but-" I didn´t let him finish this time either. "Don´t you think I already have enough problems in my relationship?" I shouted and he starred at me. "Hey this isn´t my fault! I didn´t call them okay?" "But it was you, who freaking laid down on me! And your the reason the magazines care!" I blamed him. "But it isn´t my fault your boyfriend is an ass, who doens´t trust you! And your relationship isn´t my problem either!" He shouted back. "Just shut up!" I yelled back. Who did he think he was?

Ross POV

I was paying for the gas, when I spot something.. "Wait a second.." I told the cashier and ran to the freezer cabinet. I read a familiar name.. I mean Laura talked about it for like half an hour.. I got her 2 tubes of gogurt and mentally chuckled as I thought of her reaction. Maybe she wouldn´t be mad for refusing to answer her then.. I got back to the car and wanted to hand Laura the gogurt, but she was already glancing at me. "Look Laura, I know it isn´t quite fair I didn´t-.." But she cut me off in the middle of the sentence. "No thanks! I don´t want to hear anything from you! First you ought to explain this to me!" She snapped and gave me her phone.. Didn´t she have a flip phone earlier? Whatever, why was she so mad? I took a look on the screen.. Oh! That´s why she is mad.."You knew this?" She asked angrily. "Yeah but-" I tried to explain, but she wouldn´t let me finish. "Don´t you think I already have enough problems in my relationship?" Was she blaming this on me now? I didn´t took the photos, what is her problem? "Hey, this isn't my fault! I didn´t call them okay?" But Laura didn´t seem to find anything okay at all. "But it it was you, who freaking laid down on me! And you´re the reason the magazines care!" "But it isn´t my fault your boyfriend is an ass who doesn´t trust you! And your relationship isn´t my problem either!" I told her. "Just shut up!" She yelled and turned to the window. I groaned in frustration and started to motor. This will be fun 8 hours I thought ironically, as we were back on the highway and Laura refused to look at me..


Lol I´m at the point where they are fighting in almost all my stories ;D I seriously need to write them making up! Whatevs, did you like the chapter? Vote and Comments your thoughts pls :) I´m positive I´ll get the story finished until Christmas, but I´m unsure, it´s only 3 days.. Merry Christmas btw ;)

Magic Time- A Christmas Raura story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now