Shared Pudding!

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Nagisa's POV:  

I was already at the cafe and was sitting at a booth next to the window so Kayano and I could see the flowers outside while we ate. 

I looked at my phone. 

3: 42

My hands got a little sweaty. Did she decide not to come? I forced that that thought out of my head. The Kayano I know would never pass up the opportunity to have pudding. I chuckled at the thought. 

A second later, I noticed I was poked gently on my side. 

"What are you giggling about?" A warm, friendly, and familiar voice asked me. I looked up. 

"Hey, Kayano! I was starting to think you weren't going to come." I replied. 

She frowned. "I'm sorry, the bus got delayed." 

"No! I didn't mean to make you feel bad! It's totally fine. Honest! Just forget what I said." I spat blushing with guilt. 

Kayano's smile returned. The way she was so energetic and happy made me comforted by her presence. 

"So. . . LETS ORDER!" Kayano said, taking the seat across from me. I started to laugh and then she joined in. 

Kayano's POV: 

A young waiter with red hair brought one pudding to the table. I noticed it was the one Nagisa had ordered. I was going to ask where mine was but decided not to. I didn't want to seem rude to Nagisa.  

"Nagisa?" I asked to get his attention.

"Hmm?" He replied. he was just about to take the first bite of pudding but stopped to hear what I had to say. 

I don't know why but I started to blush. I soon realized that I was, and shook my head to stop it. 

"I wanted to give you some money for my pudding before I forgot." I reached into my purse but realized my wallet wasn't there. 


I'm pretty sure I turned pale. 

"You alright?" Nagisa asked. 

"I guess I forgot my wallet~ heh heh. . ." I laughed nervously. 

"It's alright, if you want, we can share my pudding," Nagisa suggested. 


"Sorry, is that a bad idea?" 

"No- I just- uhh," I took a deep breath and let out my blush. "I would love to share a pudding with you." 

Nagisa responded with the sweetest smile. He then finished his bite of pudding, then used his spoon to scoop up another bite and fed it to me. I blushed insanely and noticed Nagisa was doing the same. 

They were both thinking the same thing:

We just had an indirect kiss!

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