Buckle Up

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Kayano's POV:

Nagisa and I walked towards the door to leave the cafe. He then held the door for me and bowed a little. I giggled and my blush escaped. When I walked out, Nagisa followed. 

"Hey, Kayano," Nagisa said. I turned around. 


"I just wanted to say you look so beautiful. I forgot to say that when I saw you. I guess I was too shy to mention it in front of Karma, anyways. . ." Nagisa trailed off. 

My cheeks were flushed. 

"Uhh, I don't know what to say. . ." I looked down at my feet so Nagisa wouldn't notice how red my face had become. 

A wave of awkwardness just blew in our direction. 

Kayano, get it together! Say something back! 

"Thanks, Nagisa, you look very handsome as well," I replied. 

Nagisa smiled and then pointed to a grey car. 

Nagisa's POV: 

Kayano just said I look handsome! YAY! Wait. . . why am I so happy about that? Don't tell me I'm actually falling for her. . . 

No way! 

Just stay calm. 

It was just a compliment from your best friend. 

To distract my mind from what Kayano had just told me, I pointed to my mom's car. I opened the door for Kayano, and she slid in. I then gently shut the door and walked over to the driver's seat. I sat down, put in the key, ran the ignition. 

"Buckle up!"

I started to drive towards my house by instinct but didn't realize until I actually got to my house. I parked in the driveway and turned to Kayano. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring you here." 

On closer inspection, I realized Kayano fell asleep. I tapped Kayano's shoulder lightly. 

"Kayano, wake up!" I said softly. I tapped her a little harder. "Kayano!" It didn't even seem like she noticed me at all. 

What should I do? She obviously wasn't going to wake up, and I couldn't just leave her in my mom's car. . . 

I made my choice. I opened the door to my house before picking Kayano up bridal-style and brought her inside. It was difficult, but I managed to bring her up the stairs and into my room. I gently put her down in my bed and put a blanket over her. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, then closed the door. 

Why did I do that? My body seemed to move before I could think. Good thing she was sleeping, because if she wasn't, I bet she would have killed me. 

Now that I think about it, I was kind of tired as well. I curled up on the couch and let my eyes close. 

I awoke to Kayano's scream. 

A/N: Tell me what you think about the chapter! Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoyed the story so far! 

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