More Than Meets the Eye

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Catch a Rising Star

A/N: This actually took longer than I thought because I had some other stories that I wanted to start or update. Also, I had been pretty busy with college. Well, in reward for your patience, this chapter is a bit longer than the last one, so maybe that can somewhat serve as compensation.

So let's get on with Chapter 7. Roll it!

Chapter 7

More Than Meets the Eye

Soon, both Poppy and Branch were driving along the freeway in silence. Poppy spared a couple of glances over at Branch, but he was just staring out the window, looking to make sure they were going in the right direction. Poppy quickly got rid of the uneasy tension and turned on the radio, which was playing one of her favorite songs. She was humming along to it when Branch turned away from the window and glared at her.

"Really?" He asked. "Do you have to sing?"

"I always sing when I'm in a good mood." Poppy answered him.

"Do you have to be in a good mood?" Branch continued to question.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?" Poppy asked him back. "I'm trying to be nice, and yet, you're just acting like a sourpuss for no good reason."

"Pfft." Branch scoffed. "Really? You thought that I would be dying to be in the same car as Poppy Summers while she sings as she drives me home? That might be any fan's dream, except one problem. I'm not your fan."

Poppy looked at him briefly before turning her attention back to the road. So that might be the main reason why he gives her such disdain. He never liked her to begin with.

"Why?" She asked. "You don't like me singing?"

Branch sighed. "No, I didn't say that." He clarified. "I like your songs, I'm just not crazy about you."

"But, you don't know me." Poppy said.

"Exactly." Branch answered. He had a feeling that this conversation was going to head into deeper waters that he wasn't comfortable with, so he tried to look for an excuse to either end it or change the subject.

"I think if you did know me, you'd really like me." Poppy said.

Branch was sure that she might soon notice the noticeable blush that was starting to appear on his face. But soon, he saw a familiar street sign that led to his family's condo.

"Turn here." He said, pointing to the right.

Poppy carefully swerved the car onto the correct lane, and went right. But little did either of them know that the black van that was following them got onto that very same lane to turn as well. Luckily for them, the stoplight had turned red, and the van was forced to stop until it turned green again.


Soon, the car arrived at the condo and Poppy parked along the curb, turning off the car's headlights to avoid any suspicion. Branch saw the ugly orange car that was parked a little further along the curb, and he quietly let out a sigh of relief. Harper was back home and safe.

He glanced over at the electronic clock that was on the dashboard and saw that it was a quarter past midnight, so both she and their grandmother were sound asleep. Well, hopefully Rosie won't ask them too many questions in the morning.

Branch unbuckled his seatbelt and started to get out of the car. "Thanks for the ride." He said.

He was about to step out when Poppy grabbed his arm. "Hey, Branch." She said, getting his attention. "Look, I just want to say that I'm sorry."

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