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"Uhm, why do you want to know?" Jimin replied as he stared at Suga intently.

"I heard a couple of guys that one of their friends is a carrier and got himself pregnant without even taking the test. So, I want to know if you're a carrier or not, then I'll leave you alone." Suga said, leaning closer to Yoongi. Jimin's heart pounded when he can feel Suga's breath near his lips. Oh, how he wanted to smash his lips against his...

'Why am I thinking that?' Jimin thought and cringed a little at his mind.

"So, what's your answer, doll? A simple yes or no would've been cool." Suga said already annoyed that the younger haven't said anything.

"Fine...," He breathed out, "Yes, I'm a carrier. I just found out last week. Don't worry, my doctor prescribed me birth control pills, and I already have taken them."

"Ah, thanks so much, love. Now I don't need to worry about you carrying my baby because, as you know, I'm not that kind of person who's ready to be a father." He said before walking away from the table. Jungkook sipped the banana milk intensely as the scene unfolded right in front of him. He got some tea to tell in his group chat.

"Oh my god, Jungkook. I lied straight to his face!" Jimin whispered-shouted as he banged his head against the table.

"Oh Jimin...," He comforted Jimin by ruffling his hair and hugged him, "Maybe your womb will reject Suga Hyung's sperm. Besides, that pill will shield your eggs!" Jungkook exclaimed.

Jimin laughed a little and lifted his head up, meeting Jungkook's doe eyes, "That's kind of weird to say since I'm a guy." He said sniffling. Jungkook laughed and hugged his friend tighter.


Jimin watched as the baseball team practice. It was after school, and Jungkook already went home, leaving Jimin sitting on the bleachers.

He watched as the baseball team was running laps and whatnot. He spotted Taehyung batting with the others, being happy with his teammates. He almost felt bad that he'd break his heart.

After an hour, the baseball team were finished. V spotted Jimin sitting on the bleachers. Smiling, he waved goodbye to his teammates and run over to Jimin.

"Hey, Jimin!" He exclaimed, wanting to hug him but, he's sweating and didn't want to make Jimin uncomfortable.

"Hey, V. Nice practice going on." Jimin said.

"Yeah thanks, what are you doing here?" V asked.

"About your confession..." Jimin started. V is all ears to wait for the answer that he was waiting for almost a week. "I'm sorry, V... I just can't accept your confession. I'm not ready..." Jimin said.

V's heart pang at the answer. He was determined to make him his, but it came crashing down.

"Oh, Uhm, I understand Jimin. I was just... You know what, nevermind. But can we still be friends?" He asked, full of hope.

"Yeah, that's fine, V. I gotta go, my brother us here to pick me up." Jimin said, and he nodded. He waved goodbye and walked the opposite direction.

"Wait! Are you coming to the game on Friday?"

Jimin sighed, "Maybe." He said and continued to walk away.

"Damn, what a rejection." V was startled to see Suga behind him.

"What would you know?" V muttered and tried to walk away, but Suga gripped his shoulder.

"You know why he rejected you?" Suga asked. V didn't say anything, bit his lip. He remembered Jimin saying he was not ready. "It's because he lost his virginity to me and probably he's guilty to date you since you know... We're friends." Suga said, smugly.

V again didn't say anything. He rolled his shoulder to get Suga's grip and walked away.

'Please don't let that be true...' V thought as he got into his car.

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