the one where harry styles is the biggest name in business. he's one of the richest men in the world, and he's hugely respected by both everyone in the business world and the media. however when he breaks up with his girlfriend and she decides to sp...
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Louis was not murdered by Zayn or Felix for that matter, instead it turns out Felix was a really lovely man who spoke to louis a lot about his personal life.
He was 40 and had been married to his wife for about 15 years (who was named Angela) and she was currently pregnant with their 5th (and final, he made that very clear) child. Both Felix and Zayn seemed to be very close friends, not really having much of a professional dynamic at all.
Hearing Felix talk about his family kind of made Louis internally awe, because in the very very short time louis had known Felix (literally he had known the guy minutes) he could hell he really loved his family.
Maybe he was a little jealous.
Then again, Louis had a mountain of trauma he had to work through before he could even consider actually dating someone.... he had his ex boyfriend to thank for that one. Seriously, that bastard left him so fucked up it was ridiculous.
Louis mentally shook the thoughts of his ex boyfriend away and began to wonder what the Harry Styles was like, sure he had seen him on the cover of magazines before and had seen a couple of interviews but honestly he was a rather mysterious man. He didn't let the public know anything about him that he didn't want them to know, something louis wasn't sure if he respected about the man or if he was a little bit suspicious... like c'mon what was he hiding?
As Felix pulled up to a house Louis could only describe as ginormous (it had pillars for fuck sake), his heart began to beat faster and faster. He noticed some cars parked outside; a Porsche 550 spyder, a Chevrolet bel air, a Range Rover and a Lamborghini. The one Louis took most note of, was of course the Chevrolet because it was his dream car.
He began to notice a familiar pooling sensation in the pit of his stomach— if he was about to have another anxiety attack he was going to flip his shit. Not right now. God why does anxiety always come at the worst fucking times possible?
He shook his head quickly as if he was trying to shake the anxiety out of him... you'd think it was his first day with this. Obviously, that didn't work though so he began to take deep breaths in order to try and stop the wave before it completely engulfed him like it did in the nightclub.
"Take your time, we don't have to go in now," Zayn smiled "he's not as scary as you think y'know, he's literally just a human."
"My kids all call him uncle harry, if that's gives any indication into the kind of person he is," Felix looked at him in the rear-view mirror "if he was half as bad as the media portrays him they wouldn't be anywhere near him." he added and Louis nodded.
So he was good with kids— surely that means he's not the monster some news outlets make him out be... right? Mean people don't like kids, that's like... rule number one of the mean bastard handbook.