Chapter 11

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Then as sequoiaStar was taking FoxFur and Fernpelt and said "I have never seen those cats until it was too blind to see that Badger and leopard where traitors" then she growled and said "When I find those two oh they will wish they were never born" then she said "Well welcome to forest camp 2.0" Then as FoxFur and fern looked around the new "Camp" if you could call it that it was just a hole by the thunderpath and there was a group of shaking cats within the hole and then sequoiaStar called them out saying "Its ok FoxFur is here to help" Then as the cats where walking out he saw many wounds on them and he said "Where's the medicine cat?" then they looked at each other and said "He's right behind us he got it the worst they blinded him in one eye then they broke his back leg then FoxFur walked into the "Cave" and saw the medicine cat laying where the others said he would be and he rolled over and said "Leave me be I just want to die without anyone" then FoxFur sat down next to the cat and said "Your the new medicine cat huh?" then the cat rolled over and said to foxfur "Yeah" then he sighed and tossed a rock and said "I am no medicine cat now I am just a nobody" then FoxFur said "Hey hey don't think like that" then foxfur saw the gash on the left side of the medicine cat's face and he said "So what's your name?" then the cat looked at foxfur with his one good eye and said "The names Brichpelt sir" then FoxFur said "Brich you have to rise up and take care of the clan even though you can not take care of yourself take care of the others" then Brichpelt got up and said "Ya your right" then he limped outside and said "Anyone need a check up talk to me" then as he was taking care of the sick,injured,eldery and the remaining kits. sequoiaStar then looked at FoxFur and said "thanks you have given the clan new hope now where can we go?" then FoxFur said "I think Meadowclan would accept you guys for now until we can get forestclan back on its 4 paws" then sequoiaStar said "Hey everyone" then as everyone gathered around a rock sequoiaStar then said that Forestclan will be with Meadowclan because of swampclans attack it left this clan in ruins but we will rise. Then as they were walking along the lake then there was a rustling and FoxFur said "Who's there?" then a voice said "FoxFur is that you?" then FoxFur said "Silverpelt?" then a silver cat ran out and hugged him and said "I missed you" then Current stepped out of the brush and said "Sliverfur get off foxfur now then" then current looked at the group of cats and said "What happened here?" then FoxFur said "Swampclan that's what" then current sighed and said "Why are you taking them through this area?" then FoxFur said "It's the only route I could of think of'' then Current said "just get through here all right" then he and Silverpelt turned around and said to Fox "Just remember you will always have friends in the other clans" then as the group reached the edge of Meadowclans turf he said "Wait here I have to talk to Rose'' then as he was running back to Meadowclans camp Daisy then ran into him and said "Where have you been?!" Then he said "I am sorry but I have to talk to Rose, it's urgent" then as Rosestar walked up to foxfur and said "Where did you go? Why did you run off?" then foxfur said "I just got a feeling that something happened to Forest clan" the he turned around and said to Rosestar "Can they stay here?" then she sighed and said "Ok then"

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