The Start

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"Ellie wake up I made breakfast" shouted my older brother! 'Hurry before it gets cold''

I got out of bed skittering down the stairs to find a warm plate of pancakes and eggs, with a tall, fresh glass of orange juice.

"Where's mommy?" a small voice from behind me whispered.

I turn around and see my little sister staring back at me with tears in her eyes. Our mom has been an alcoholic, and drug user ever since Alyissa was born. She's always at bars or at strangers houses shes never home to take care of usbut of course i couldn't tell her that.

''She's at work" I whispered back, "but she said she's gonna be here when I wake up, she's never home" she bursted out crying! "I know sweetie, but it'll be ok. I promise" I reassured her.

After i was done eating i went upstairs to wake up Sammy and help him out of bed. My brother was born paralyzed from the waist done and after his birth our father left cause of his condition leaving us no way to contact him.

We don't know who Alyissa's father is because our mom always sleeping with a bunch of different guys. We never tried to find Alyissa's father or ours, and we don't plan to anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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