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Consciousness seeped into my brain, filling it with visions of last night. The blackness that greeted me from the inside of my eyelids was like a blank canvas. Madie's stricken face danced across it, and I forced my lids open only to be greeted by a new face.

"Mornin' sunshine."

Beau looked like the fucking Cheshire cat with the way he was grinning from across the room, his head resting on his pillow as he gazed at me.

"What the hell, Beau," I groaned.

"So," Beau said, not put off by my grumpy greeting. "Are you going to tell me about what happened last night or what?"

I rolled onto my back, stretching my arms out. Everything was a little stiff; these mattresses were barely more than a cot. "Come on, man. I literally just woke up."

"Well, I've been waiting for..." Beau made a dramatic show of looking down at his Apple watch. "Forty-seven minutes."

"Please tell me you weren't staring at me while I slept for the past forty-seven minutes."

I didn't turn my head, but I heard Beau chuckle. "Don't worry. You don't drool."

Dragging a hand across my face, I contemplated requesting a new roommate.

"You're welcome, by the way," Beau went on to say.

"What?" I finally glanced back over at him.

If possible, his grin spread even further across his face. "For inviting Nessa to the party, man! Without me, where would you be?"

Shaking my head, I laughed dryly. "You don't want me to answer that question."

Catching my tone, Beau sat up with a frown.

"You can't honestly tell me that you didn't hook up with that girl. She was eying you up like you were a damn snack. I'm talking like a basic white girl eyin' up some pumpkin spice, man." 

"You could say I hooked up with Nessa," I grumbled, not looking at him.

It was far too early for this interrogation. I probably should have just waited up for him and gotten it over with last night. At least then remnants of alcohol might have dulled the pain of being needled by Beau.

"And?" he probed.

I sighed. "And then Madie walked in on us. At a very...inopportune moment."

Beau's face contorted into shocked amusement, and he cupped his hands around his mouth, giving a holler. "Oh! That's awkward as hell."

"Yeah," I gritted out between my teeth. "That's why I didn't want to talk about it." Grabbing my pillow out from under my head, I chucked it over at him. It hit Beau square in the face, providing me with some small amount of satisfaction.

It Burns Within Us | Wildfire Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now