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"Thanks really think I can get an A on the test?" Holly questions

I smile and nod my head "Of course you can. Honestly you have showed so much improvement, there is no way you won't get an A"

A smile forms on her face "Thank you, I'll definitely recommend you"

I smile "That would be great, see ya"

She waves and leaves the room, which is in the front of the school.

"Don't forget to call me and tell me the score you get!" I yell

"I won't!" She yells back chuckling

I smile and sit back in my chair, satisfied.

This senior year is going great so far.

I've actually met more people tutoring for my own school this year.
Usually I would tutor for students from other schools, but I felt like my 3rd year of tutoring should be different.

Seeing as I am a single child, I don't usually have much company or people to talk to, but at least that gives me more time for school and helping other people in school I guess.

I gather my stuff and put them in my backpack.

School is going to start in 10 minutes and I might as well start walking to class.

I shut the lights off and lock the door.

As I walk to class my phone buzzes an I check to see what it is.

mom- have a good day at school (-:

I smile and as I am about to answer back I feel my shoulder bang into something hard.

I look up confused and see Harry Styles staring down at me, eyebrows furrowed.
He rolls his eyes and jogs to catch up to his friends.

It takes me about a minute to fully take in what just happened.
I made eye contact with Harry Styles.
Harry. Styles.
The most popular guy in school.

I mentally face palm when I play the scene over in my head.
Only with my luck would you almost break your shoulder and piss Harry Styles off in the time span of 5 seconds.

I rub my shoulder and continue to walk towards my class.

Harry Styles is everyone's favorite guy. The teachers love him, the students love him, hell, everyone's parents probably love him even more than they love their own children.

Me? I have never once spoken to him, unless you count the time I said excuse me and he moved to the side so I can walk past him.

Yeah, I guess you can't, but I count it anyways.


Hey Guys! This chapter was just so you would better understand Alyssa and who she is(:

I know it was really short, but that's why Chapter 1 is Already posted so go ahead and read it!

So, new book. I'm actually really excited for this one.

I really do hope you enjoy this story, because I am gonna put my heart into it for sure!(:

Thanks for reading, don't forget to Vote and Comment what you think so far!

I appreciate it, and appreciate you a lot(:

- Jazmine <3 -

Tutor // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now