Chapter 2- Showers and Giggles

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I look at the paper again for the house number 143 .

The number is on a mailbox and I do a little victory dance because I finally found it.

I'm left in awe when I park in front of it.

The house is beautiful. Even though it is night I can see the perfectly trimmed hedges and grass.
The beautiful color of the house, the small lake in front, the large lawn, the fountain- it is gorgeous.

I look at the driveway, scared his car won't be there, but a sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see it parked.

Grabbing mascara from my purse, I pull the mirror out and place a light layer on my eyelashes.
I fix my hair a little then walk out.

I quietly complain at how the driveway is so long and is making my feet hurt.

Like damn, they can have marathons on it.

I laugh at my own joke and continue walking.

Finally, I make it to the door and ring the bell.
Suddenly I feel a little nervous at what's going to happen next.
It's unpredictable.
The door opens and I'm startled to see a woman with brown hair, a shade darker than his, wearing a red blouse and leggings.

"Uh, hi" I smile

"Are you one of Harry's friends?" she asks smiling.

"Well, I'm kind of his tutor" I say questionably

She furrows her eyebrows in confusion "Tutor?"

"Yeah, you know, his tutor" I say.

Confused, she answers "Umm okay..well, he's upstairs in his room. Come in"

"Thank you" I smile while walking in.

"Hey honey did you ask for a tutor for Harry?" I hear the woman, I'm assuming is his mother, ask someone.

"What?" the man answers

"Oh never mind" she says annoyed.

I hear all this while I'm walking up the stairs, but I just brush it off.

The inside is even prettier than the outside. It's huge.

I reach the top of the stairs and realize I don't know which room is his. There's like 50 billion doors, how am I supposed to know.

I look at the doors and see one with a sign that says "Keep out, only Harry allowed"

I shake my head and giggle quietly at the sign. Childish.

Just as I'm about to knock on the room door I hear someone behind me say "What the.."

I turn and see Harry in only sweats. No shirt.

I kept my eyes from roaming his body and trust me, it was hard. His hair was messy and damp, and from the quick glance I was his body. It was obvious he just came out of the shower.

"Uhh, hi, you, umm.." I stutter.

"Do my parents know you're here?" He asks
"Well obviously. I wouldn't just sneak into your house randomly" I put my hand on my hip.

Harry looks up frustrated as he smacks his lips. And before I know it he's grabbing my arm and pulling me into his room.

Stunned, I look around at my surroundings. Dark navy blue painted, and very large room.

"You like what you see?" He smirks

I turn "it's alright"

A smile appears on his lips and he giggles.

Tutor // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now