Chapter 1

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He arrived as a baby.

One day, I was home alone, as usual when I heard a nicker outside.

I got up, still in my pyjama's, and walked outside (with bare feet). What met my eyes bout tears to them.

A young horse, maybe 15hh at the most stood in the porch, wearing nothing but a leather snaffle halter.

His ears perked up as he noticed me.

He was slightly under weight but nothing much, his coat was shining, his bare feet freshly filed, his silky mane recently pulled and his half black, half white tail combed knotless.

I was in so much shock that I simply stood by the calm youngster, staring into space.

A warm puff of air in my face woke me up. I blinked, to see a dark grey nose barely an inch from my face.

I grinned, more than I had in a while. He was sweet, to say in the least.

I stretched my arm out and stroked the colts neck. He was very calm.

"Heyya boy, where's yer family?" I smiled at him as he cocked his head, listening to me.

I had no idea where he was from. There are no houses near ours, its just the large 'family' estate and the stables beyond. With all my step mums horses in.

I slowly took hold of the hand rope on his halter, when I noticed a silver name plate on the cheek piece. It read 'Faraway Moonlight' which, if I'm perfectly honest, didn't suit him.

I clicked my tongue and he walked on beside me. He was well trained and seemingly well bred.

"C'mon boy" I whispered. I thought it was best to put him in the stables.

But as we neared them, a sudden movement in the hedge startled him so much it ripped the chain out my hand, and he went hurtling down the track, heading straight for the main road,in full terror-influenced gallop.

All I knew was that I had to stop him.

I ran as fast as I could to the stables, grabbing a head collar and rope off of Monty's door. I unbolted the door and flung the headcollar over his ears.

I grabbed a second rope,clipping each eitherside of the nose piece, then ran over to the block, vaulting onto Monty.

I kicked the startled grey in canter, hairing down the grass in the middle of the track. I crouched low and growled at Monty, digging my heels into his sides, encouraging him to pick up speed.

I realised I was barefoot, but there was no turning back.

Monty was nearly in gallop,when I spotted a grey streak in the woods, overthe next field. I squinted, my bad eyesight wasn't helping.

I shook my head, entrusting Monty.

"Follow that grey Monty!" I said,uslessly.

I almost screamed, as he swerved right so suddenly. I looked down and saw nothing.

I kicked him, signalling that was a naughty move.

I could hear the cars and lorries going fast down the main road, and was praying Faraway Moonlight was ok.

It was then that I realised something.

I had 100% no control, and WE were the ones heading for the main road.

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