Chapter 3 "Can I Say Something?"

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Again the voices, only this time I could actually make out the words. I also felt something else besides the puncture of a needle. I decided to try something as I pressed down on what I could only describe as something familiar. Then I heard "Doctor, he pressed my hand" the voice was so familiar. As another voice said "Relax Mrs. Campanelli all that is, is an involuntary response to the medication. Your husband is in a comma and will probably remain that way for a long time." " You should consider pulling the plug."

Yet another voice said, "Even if he came out of it, he'd probably be a vegetable, right?" I was out again. But it wasn't too long before I could hear my wife's lovely voice arguing and screaming that she would never pull the plug.

In my daze, I wanted to do something that would tell these people that I'm alive and to please not kill me prematurely. Yet another part of me thought why not if they pull the plug I'll be out of my misery. As everyone could finally move on without me. I could clearly feel more tears sliding down my cast. Why?  Why me? I thought about it time and time again. However, I felt there was nothing I could do about it. If anything it would be a waiting game in which time played against me. Oh Lord help me please and forgive me for all my sins and if it is your will then take me now.

I felt her hand again, this time it was wet with tears as she prayed. I squeezed her moist hand once again. She called out to me, "Paul can you hear me, squeeze my hand again or raise your eyebrow like you used to. Jim come here." She said to her brother who was watching the news as I raised my eyebrow. She cried again but this time of pure happiness as she told her brother to get the doctor. As the doctors checked me thoroughly I saw the light and boy was it bright finally they had to admit that yes, I might be coming around, but it would be another 24 hours before they knew for sure.

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