Chapter #21 Royal Rumble (pt. 1)

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            Christian had opened his eyes slightly while laying comfortably in bed. His head sunken deeply in his overly soft pillow and covered by his fat plush blankets. After all he had been through the past few days, he had truly felt at peace laying safe and sound in his own bed again. He stretched his arms and back hard to assist awakening him from his sleep. The young prince lay still for a moment before fully waking up and realizing the events of the day.

"Oh yeah!" he recalled, sitting up immediately.

He hopped out of bed like a child on Christmas morning and rushed into his bathroom to brush his teeth, take a shower, and use the areas 'facilities'. Twenty five minutes later the brown haired teenager had dried off from his shower and already started dressing up for the royal ceremony. Christian pulled up his underwear and blue pants, tightened his belt, put on his shirt and vest, then fastened his buttons on his golden trimmed open white coat. Christian walked over to his dresser to pull out a pair of his socks when he noticed the news vans already parked outside within the castle walls.

The media must have arrived early this morning and started setting up. The young prince tilted his lips to the side when he saw that the annoying Pip Gordan's news station van was parked outside as well. He sat on his bed and put on his clean socks and a pair of shoes, after that his gloves were slid on and he was ready to go, until he seen his reflection in the mirror and realized his hair was all tangled and messy.

He went into the bathroom again and used the blow-drier to return his hair back to its original full self. After his hair was dry, he saw a small thin patch of hair sticking straight up on the top of his head. He was going to be on camera and in magazines after today and this little bit of hair will make him look so stupid. The prince wet the hair to hold it down, but it didn't work and only made that part of his hair wet again. He pulled out some of Alisha's girly hair spray he had stolen from her room before for just such an occasion. Alisha's hair spray did the trick, but left a fruity feminine scent in his hair.

Once completely prepared for the historic day the prince hurried out of his room and barged into Kaz and Wade's room.

"Good morning guys!" he spouted happily after turning on the light, "Go head'n get up, today's tha big day!"

Kaz and Wade lay in their separate beds only half awake. They barely opened their eyes and groaned.

"How can you still be sleeping?" he questioned, then left the room and shut the door behind him.

"We should've left him in the forest." Kaz grumbled.

Wade groaned in agreement and buried his face deeper into his pillow.

The young prince hurried across the hallway to Wraith and Vincent's room. He barged in like before and turned on the light. The two were still sleeping in their separate beds, but were starting to wake from the bright light.

"Come on guys, today's tha ceremony!" Christian reminded with excitement.

Both Vincent and Wraith glared at the prince with a look for murder. Christian ran out of the room avoiding thrown objects from both angry youths who were rudely awoken. The objects hit the sides of the doors, narrowly missing the prince's head. Christian shut the door behind him still capable of hearing their cursing him for waking them up.

"Dang, what's their problem?" he asked a loud, "Nobody seems to be as excited today. Doesn't make any sense." he discussed with himself.

Christian approached Rufus' room and opened the door and accidentally witnessed Rufus' naked butt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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