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事故 || accident

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yui yoshida

        Class 2-8 is where I'm starting my new high school career. The class is predominately females which means that Hiiragi can't complain about me talking to too many boys. He's the type of boyfriend to get mad at me for having a boy best friend I've known since elementary school. Sometimes it's cute, other times... not so much.

I know that this is the school that he decided to go to. So he's either avoiding me, already moved schools, or we just haven't run into each other yet. To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to say to him, and the decision to come here was kind of rash. So, I'm left with not many people to talk to in class and lots of guys checking me out from the hallway.

If I just walk past all the classes, then I'm bound to run into him eventually, unless he was moved up or down a grade... That would be troublesome. Why am I going through so much trouble if I don't even know what I'm going to say to him? All I know right now is that it's going to be very awkward. I don't know if he blames me for what happened or if he thinks I blame him for what happened, but I want to find out and get our old friendship back. I want the five-- now four, of us to hang out again.

I stand up from the small and clean wooden desk and begin piling the notebooks and pencils into my backpack. I'm not the most organized person on the planet so it looks like a jumble of loose papers and pencils with broken lead. I pull the straps of my blue backpack over my shoulders and exit the classroom, peering into the windows of the classes next to me as I walk to the bathroom.

As I walk past 2-10 I happen to notice a tall, black-haired boy slouching over his desk. There is only one person I know that's this lazy. "Uenoyama!" I cheer happily and walk over to his desk to see his blue eyes peer into my turquoise ones. "I didn't know you went here," I say with a smile causing a few people to glance our direction, mainly the girls in his class.

"Y-Yui?" He stutters and I nod my head and give him a smile before he sits up quickly and wipes the drool coming from his mouth. "When did you start coming here?" He asks nervously and I shrug my shoulders.

"Hmm... I'd have to say when school started!" I reply while raising my pointer finger. "You should've told me you went here so that I could've seen you earlier!" I say with a grin.

"Yo, Uenoyama," a ginger kid says what he assumes to be a whisper to Uenoyama. "Whose the chick, is she like... your girlfriend?"

He immediately recoils as if he's heard the grossest thing in the world. "No man! She's in my band," Uenoyama replies.

"So then, can you give me her--" The ginger continues to pester my bandmate.

"No, I'm pretty sure she already as a boyfriend anyway," he mutters to his very loud friend. He seems down for a minute then immediately perks up and walks over to a blonde kid.

"Friends of yours?" I ask with a smile and he sighs and rolls his eyes. "Anyways, now that you're here in front of me... I can't come to practice today," I explain.

"Why not?" He asks, his mood changing from annoyed to confused in a split second. "Don't tell me you're skipping to see your boyfriend?" he says, his mood reverting to annoyed once again.

"No, of course not!" I say, waving a hand in front of my face. "I just have some personal stuff I need to do," I explain.

"Can't you just do it after practice," he says in a monotone voice. "Seems like a pretty easy solution in my opinion," he says while sighing and resting his head on his desk again.

"Not the kind of thing I can wait around for," I explain nervously and clasp my hands together above my head. "Sorry! Tell Akihiko and Haruki for me!" I shout and rush out of the classroom. "Thank you!"

Now that's settled... I readjust the blue straps on my shoulders and make my way to the bathroom, my knuckles turning white due to the amount of force I'm holding the straps with.

I release a much-needed breath of air when I make it into the bathroom, at least it doesn't seem to dirty. The grey tiles match the grey walls, the most outstanding thing here is the blue stall doors. I make my way to the farthest stall door and close it quietly. Luckily no one else is in here, it's always awkward to be in bathrooms with other people.

And just like that tears begin rolling down my pink cheeks to land on my cold hands that are barely protected by the light sweater I'm wearing. Everything's ruined and I can't go to Yuki anymore to ask for his opinion. Two birds with one stone... two birds in one nest.

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