~dreams~ 1.

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            The ocean waves crashed softy against the sand. The moons light reflected off the water, and a cool December breeze stirred the air. In his embrace she never wanted to leave, never wanted to have to go back to reality. They skipped rocks and shared laughter, it felt right. With a bond fire as their only light, only heat, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her waist, she wished time could just stop.

“Truth or dare” the dream boy asked as he through another piece of wood into the fire.

Dani sighed “hmm, truth” she said with a smile on her face, her dark hair fluttered in the wind as another breeze blew.

tell me the truth about your tattoo” the boy asked as he picked up her left wrist and turned it over. Two wings with a rose in-between fit perfectly on her inner wrist.

“fine,  fine, the rose because its my middle name” she said as  the boy traced his finger over the rose “and the wings, to remind me that im free, right now, well right now i feel free" she added with a sigh, the boy traced each wing and kissed the side of her head.

“But you are free, no matter what” he whispered, his voice smooth and quiet. “Common” he stood up and held out his hand, she took it and he helped her up. Still holding her hand he led her to a rocky walk way that went about twenty feet into the ocean. It was a bit higher than the ocean and the water was a foot or so lower than where they were standing. The water crashed as it hit the walk way. The sky was a deep navy blue and sparkled with bright stars. The moon was right in front of them, big and bright. He stopped at the edge and hugged her from behind.

 He bent down and whispered “you’ve always been free.”

Then … she came back to reality.

In reality she rolled out of bed at 1:29 pm on Sunday, winter break had finally came, and she was free. There was no need for an alarm clock, there was no curfew. She sighed, no one was home. sitting back on her bed she thought. Thought about all the dreams shes had of her mystery boy, her fallen angel. she recalled one dream were he had an angel wing on one arm, it wasn't white, but wasn't black either, but peachy, the size on his forearm, and it seemed to glow. Her fallen angel.

*sorry its not much for the first chapter but stay tuned!*

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