Chapter - 4

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This guy is such a weirdo...he looks like a seagull . It would have been good if i had to protect Jimin...he's soo handsome it would have been fun.

Maybe I'm being too greedy by wanting both money and Jimin .

I greeted him "Hii there!"


I asked her "Are you sure you can do this job?"

I have to show the worst part of me soo that she'll run away asap . I dont want to get protected by a girl , ahhh this hurts my pride .

Y/N " yes , Thats why I'm here :)"

"Do you even know what you have to do ?"

Y/N "yea... I've to be around you without anyone noticing it and protect you "

'protect' . ouch!! my pride :(

"No no no!! you only know half of it , while you will be around me

1) Don't try interact with me

2) You can be get attacked or bullied especially by girls

3) this whole job is a secret

4th- and the most important... while you try to pRoTeCt me or spy on me ....YOU CAN EVEN GET KILLED , Do you still want to do this job ?"

of cousre no . Haha! victory is mine .

Y/N "Yes I know anything can happen to me , I came here after knowing that , but Mr. Jungkook you dont have to worry about me becuz I'm pretty good at fighting and have a qite endures power in me👊👊 "

what . she agreed . how is this possible ?!?! Nooooooo

Mom"Ohh I think your old tricks to scare people won't work on her...HAHAHA "

Jimin hyung " I think she can do this job very well mom!"

No way .

cries internally.


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There's no way I will leave this job , if I will leave this job it would be the worst decision .

Lady " Then Y/N you can start your job from next week because his college will start from next week , until then you guys can know each other and stuff .

"Ohh really !! even my college is starting from next week . which college do you study Mister Kookie??"

Jungkook "Yahh!! don't call me that!! I'm not a kid "

"Tell me your college name then! "

Jungkook "XYZ college "

"Oh!! then I guess you'll meet more frequentlly"

Jungkook "why would I?"

"becuz we study in same college "

Jungkook "WHAT ?!?!"

"Then I'll see you again Mister KOOKIE "

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"Then I'll see you again Mister KOOKIE "


I patted on his shoulder

"until then be protect..okayy! BYEE"

I ran away or he would have killed me...xD

Jungkook "wHAT DID SHE JUST SAY ?!?!?!"

Everyone around him started laughing and left to thier own ways.

Jungkook "AISHHHH!! I don't like this girl at all!!"


I'm sorry if this chapter is too small...

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