Chapter 7: Blessed

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Three days later, and I'm under constant suicide watch at my house lead by Justin and my Mom. My Mom told me she lied to my friends, Frankie, and Nonna that I was just at a hotel trying to get away from some rumor stress. She doesn't want anyone else to worry about me like she is. God, do you remember when I said she was treating like a child? Well, that was an understatement. Now I am a fetus. She hasn't left my side for hours on end. She keeps changing the bandages on my arm, even when it doesn't need to be changed.
My Mom left me alone to get food, and I start to think more harsh thoughts like I did the night of my attempt. Is it bad to say that I'm not happy? Is it bad to say that I thought my choice was good? Now, I don't want others doing it, but I'm just not contempt with my surroundings anymore. The success doesn't make me happy, love made me happy. But now, I don't know what to believe is real when thinking about love.
I got pulled out of my thoughts by hearing my Mom's voice as she walked back into my bedroom with a bowl of soup. I almost puked at the thought of eating, but I can't go anywhere right now so I gotta just deal with being force fed. "So, I know this is really soon but..."
"Please stop, Mom. I really don't feel like talking." I sigh.
She continues, "Just listen. I think you should tell Nonna and Frankie you're pregnant. At least try to tell them. They're you're family. You can trust them."
"Mom, no. Not now."
"You're not gonna be tiny forever, sweetie. This child will grow, and you still need to go see a doctor to get medicine. People will find out, so you should start talking now."
I roll my eyes, "Fine. Can we just please stop talking about it?" I stir the soup with my spoon.
She starts to fold my clothes I brought from the other house and subtlety break the news to me, "Yea, we can. Because they'll be here in a few minutes."
I slam my spoon down in the bowl, and give her a death stare from across the room. "You invited them without telling me?"
"They were worried." Mom explained as she put down the Dior Jacket and walked to my closet. I could hear her pushing hangers around to search for an article of clothing.
I yell from my bed, "What're you doing in my closet, Mom?"
She stays quiet until she exits with a black Chanel sweatshirt held up in her hands. It had Gold letters and soft lining. "Put this on, we aren't gonna tell them about that." She looks at my arm and throws the shirt at me to put on. I'm kind of thankful that she's not gonna mention my suicide attempt.
5 minutes later the doorbell rang. I was pulled out of bed by my Mom and rushed into the living room to sit on the couch and watch Tv. I guess she's trying to make me look normal. Toulouse was happy to see my out of my room and ran through the doggy door and hopped on my lap. The door opened and I could hear Nonna, and Frankie talking to my Mom in a worried state. Their footsteps got closer and I knew I had to do my best to act like I was completely sane at the moment.
"Ari!" I heard Frankie screech from across the room. He ran to me and pulled me in a huge hug. He landed on my injured arm. A stinging sensation ran up and down my nerves. I couldn't help but cry in pain. "Oh I'm sorry."
I shrug it off, "It's no problem." I end with a bit of a chuckle. I begin to get up to hug Nonna and she speaks up, "No, don't get up. I'll come to you." Her smile is warm. My Nonna is one of the classiest and bad ass mother fuckers I've ever met. My privilege is that I'm related to her. She gives me this extremely caring embrace and they all sit down on the couch beside me.
Nonna starts a conversation, "So, how are you doing, sweetie?"
"I could be better." I answer in a hesitant voice.
I can see my Mom staring at me from the chair in the corner of the room. It's almost as if she's saying 'Get to the chase, Ariana!'. But I wouldn't dare. I don't want to say it.
That's when I hear her clear her throat, "So, Ariana. What did you wanna tell us?"
I tried to pretend like I didn't hear her as I started to put my brunette hair in a top bun. I mean, I already looked like shit, why not just keep that style going.
"Wait, is it about Sean?" Frankie said looking up from his phone.
"No. It's just about me." I inhaled and exhaled slowly, "This is pretty huge news, but y'all are the only one's that are gonna know for now. So, please keep this between us until I am able to tell everyone."
Nonna reached out and held my hand, "Whatever you want, bellissima."
I smiled, "Okay, I don't know how to say this, but I'll just spit it out." I gulped and took a moment to get the word to reach my tongue. It seemed like an eternity until I was able to talk again. "I'm pregnant." The room stood quiet. I looked down at my hands, and tried to think about good things to help me keep my composure, but I couldn't. The problem is that I couldn't think of anything. My brain is just kind of shut down. Which I guess is a good thing.
Nonna squeezed my hand, "Are you sure?" She asked me and I nodded. I can't speak right now.
"Is it Sean's?" Frankie questions and a tear slides down my cheek as I shake my head. "Who's the Dad then?"
At that moment a male figure walks into my house without asking. At first, I don't turn to see who he is but his voice is too familiar. He starts talking, "Just got the collab finished, you have to hear it." I can't help but turn to see a platinum blonde Bieber caught in his tracks, and stopped in his words as he notices it's not just me and Mama G anymore.
I start to talk, "What the hell did you do to your head, Justin?"
He brushes his hair back to tame his unruly locks, "I did not know you had company, Joan just told me to walk in." I looked back at her and scowled once more. Really, Ma?
"Justin, umm... This is kind of a family moment." Frankie said trying to not disrespect one of his favorite artists.
Justin looks worried, and I am finally able to speak again, "No, it's fine Frankie." I stare at my hands again trying to muster up the courage to say "You know how I said Sean isn't the father?" I start to fumble with my fingers, "Well, that's the thing. Justin is." I can't believe the words finally left my mouth.
An inhale of shock leaves Frankie's lips. "Oh my God! You were with Justin?!" I didn't answer but I could hear his happiness explode through his words. I wasn't completely happy to hear the words outloud, but I nodded to assure him that Justin was my baby's dad.
"Umm, what's going on here? I'm really confused." Justin said almost panicking.
I exhaled, "They know." The room got quiet, and I felt amazingly insecure.
"Just them?" Justin gulped walking towards my side of the couch.
I turned to him, "Yeah, why?" He smiled as he sat on the arm of the couch beside me.
He put his muscular arm around my shoulders and replied, "Just wanted to know." He paused for a moment, "Do you want to hear what the final cut of the collab sounds like."
"Yeah, sure." I said. I could feel the warmth of his body press on my shoulders as he leaned further onto the couch.

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