Chapter 9: 100

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Why the hell was Selena in my house?
"Sel?" I said in surprise to see her as I walked into the room.
She was so upset, "Please tell me it's not true." I could see the tears run down her chubby cheeks, and it almost killed me inside. Listen, I am all about Ariana now but you can't just forget about your first love. Trust me, you can't. But her tears won't get me now.
I looked back at Ariana's pained face, and turned to answer Selena. "What's true? What're you doing here?"
She looked furiously sad, "What am I doing here, Justin? What is she doing here?"
Ariana spoke up, "Selena, you need to leave. Your time with him is over." I grabbed Ariana and put her behind me before they started fighting.
Selena heard Ariana's retort and grew angry, "My time is over? You're just with him because you're pregnant! Or so you say."
Ariana tried to push past me and made it, "Bitch, I know I'm pregnant. And yeah, maybe now he's with me because of it, but he wasn't thinking about you when he was fucking me, now was he?"
Her vulgar, and somewhat sexy, words spewed into Selena's face making the moment intense. Selena replied, "You want a bet." They began getting closer and soon they were almost touching.
I had to get in the middle of them to make sure no one got hurt, especially Ariana.
"Selena, what are you doing here?" I said trying to end the fighting.
She grabbed my face so I could only look at her. Her soft yet raspy voice began, "Justin, do you love her?"
I looked into her chocolate orbs and said, "Yes, I do."
She continued, "Do you still love me?"
The room grew quiet as everyone's attention was on me. I stayed silent for a second and then spoke up, "Yes, I always will." She smiled but I continued, "But I'm over our relationship, Selena. Ariana and I have had something that I never had with you. It's real and special." I pulled her hands off my face and let go of them. "I'm tired of your drama. And no amount of break up songs you write will bring us back together again." Her face showed how broken she was to hear the news. "I think you should leave now, Selena." I directed her towards the front door she came in.
She began walking to the door but turned around to have her last words, "This is the end of us then? Don't ever call me, ever. Have fun with your wreck of a life." She then looked back at Ariana, "Thanks for nothing, home wrecker."
I wasn't about to let her have the last word, let alone have her hurt Ariana like that. "Don't you ever talk to her like that again. Do you hear me? Out!" I said as calm and passionate as I could. Once she was out of the door frame I walked towards the door, felt the wood in my hand, and slammed it shut. I turned around to see Ariana's sad face and walked over to hug her. I felt her nuzzle her head into my neck and I whispered in her ear, "I told you I was 100." I could feel her smile and was assured as she pulled her head away from our embrace and she kissed me.
She pulled away but grabbed my hand and I said, "Y'all ready to sit down and talk now." As a laugh left everyone's lips.
We all headed toward the living room again and Ariana sat down beside me. Her and I were sitting between my Mother and her Mother on the black leather couch. Nonna was in the love seat and Frankie was in the recliner.
About 30 minutes of small talk and visitation, none of it pertaining to the issues we should've been talking about, the doorbell rang and everyone became silent.
I got up from the couch and walked to the door and Ariana got up behind me. We both went to the white door and opened it to see a confused and worried Scooter. He greeted us, "Well, this is weird but hi there." A smirk came across his face as he walked into the living room with every one else.
They all welcomed Scoot with a hug, and Frankie sat with Nonna on the end of the love seat to give Scooter the recliner. Scoot sat down and we all waited for Him to bring something up. "So, someone gonna explain?" He joked.
Ariana and I looked at each other as we noticed everyone was waiting for our answers as well. I started talking, "Ariana and I are having a baby." I gulped.
Scooter stared at me, "I need some more info, kid. Like how long has this been going on? I may just be Scoot, but I'm also a manager and I gotta know what to tell the public too. Ya know?"
Ariana spoke up, "Since before the collab. Like a month and a half before. I mean, the beginning it wasn't anything, but.." She got quiet as she remembered she was around her family and didn't want to say anything too explicit about our sex lives.
I continued for her, "but we were stupid." I looked at her and smiled as she grabbed my hand and interlocked her fingers with mine.
Scooter began thinking and his eyes widened, "You mean, every time you guys would leave the booth to go to the bathroom, you were-"
Ariana interrupted as she saw Frankie get excited, "No, no." She smiled, "Well, not all the time." She covered her beautiful face in shame and I tried not to smirk at the thought. But I epically failed.
"To be honest, Scooter, I don't see how you didn't figure it out." I said trying my best not to clown around.
Scooter smiled understanding why I was trying not to laugh, "Well, I always had a thought in the back of my mind, but Jesus H. Christ. Y'all are really discreet."
I just remembered how terrible of a host I was. I didn't even offer anything like beverages. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry you guys." I let go of Ariana's hand and got up from the couch, "I forgot to ask. Do any of you want a drink or food? I have coffee, Coke, Vodka, Beer, Sprite, Chips, and dip." I smiled looking around. Scooter said he wanted a beer, Ariana wanted a sprite, Mom wanted a coke, and Frankie, Mama G & Nonna wanted coffee.


"I'll help you, Justin." I said as I got up from the couch and followed him to the kitchen.
I stood leaning on the kitchen counter waiting for him to open the refrigerator door, and he let go of the handle to turn around to me and grab me by my hips and give me a kiss. To be honest, this is the first time I've been kind of happy in what seems like forever. I genuinely felt safe in his arms, even when I was mad or upset. He was like a hero. I kissed him back as our lips moved in perfect synchronization. I then opened my mouth a little as his tongue asked for entrance. Before long, his tongue and mine were both fighting for dominance and he pulled away to stare in my eyes.
"Ariana Grande-Butera, will you officially be my girlfriend and have my baby." Justin said, and his words sent shivers down my spine.
I laughed, "I'll have to think about it." He pouted. "Just kidding, I would love to be yours."
He smiled as he moved his hand up towards my head to move a loose piece of hair out of my face, "You're all mine now. And so is my little boy." He didn't take his eyes away from mine once in that moment.
I smiled back at him, "You're joking right? She is a girl. I feel it in my bones."
He put his hand under my chin to support it and push it up a bit, "Oh really?" A sarcastic tone left his voice as he kissed my lips again and a cough came from the entrance of the kitchen.
We both stayed hooked to each other until we saw someone standing in the door frame. It was Frankie. We pulled ourselves apart and I pushed down my sweat shirt to make myself look presentable.
"Isn't this what got you two into trouble in the first place?" Frankie joked as he walked into the kitchen to grab a beer. "I didn't mean to interrupt but I changed my mind." He stood face to face with Justin and said, "Look, you know I'm a fan and all, but if you hurt my sister. You'll be sorry." He said it with a smile, but I knew he wasn't joking. Justin nodded, and Frankie left the room.

Later that night, everyone left and I spent the night at Justin's house. He promised to keep me away from social networking for the night, which I appreciated. We had put a movie in to watch before we went to sleep, and I went to put on extra clothes I had accidentally left at his house one night. When I walked out he asked me to take a picture with him so he could tell everyone the truth about us.
"Where are you putting it?" I asked him trying to see what he was doing on his phone.
He smiled, "Don't worry. You'll see it tomorrow."
I tried to grab his phone but he kept trying to keep it from me. "But I wanna read what you say." I finally grabbed it and as it was still in his hands he kissed me to distract me and make me let go of the phone.
Once it was away from my clutches, he plugged up his phone to the charger and set it on the side table. "Tomorrow." He kissed me once more and we started the movie. Soon, we were both drifting off to sleep.

Hello Reader,
This was actually one of my favorite chapters to write. It was intense but loving and goofy which is what I want this story to be after all the drama is over. If you enjoyed it, please: VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! Much appreciated.
-love arianagrandefandom

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