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📅 2012 Monday, Aoba Johsai, after school

You took a sip from your milk packet as you sat on the bench. You let out a sigh as you felt the sun rays hit your skin.

3 years... and I'm still not happy...

"Ah, y/n-chan!" A voice which you very clearly knew who it belonged to, called out.

"Hello there, Izumi," you said with a smile, finishing your milk packet as you turned and faced the source of the voice. With a grin, Izumi walked towards you and opened her arms for a hug.

"How was school?" Izumi asked, pulling away from the hug as she sat down next to you on the bench.

"It was fine. I guess. Iwaizumi's still in the same class as me..." you told Izumi.

"...y/n... how long has it been?" She asked. You cocked your head to the side, not getting her question.

"How long has it been since the both of you met?" She asked again.

"6 or 7 years... but we aren't that close to each other," you said, leaning back on the wall. You, Iwaizumi Hajime and the famous Oikawa Tooru went to the same junior high, Kitagawa Daiichi. You were only a distant friend of theirs since you were constantly always in your world. However, you seemed to have seen Iwaizumi in a different light. You found yourself constantly staring at him whenever he played volleyball back in junior high. Every spike he hit mesmerised you. You did not know why and you thought he saw you as weird. Hence, the reason why you distance yourself from him.

"Ah Izumi-chan, l/n-chan!" A bright and cheery voice called. You and your best friend turned your heads to meet with the famous, Oikawa Tooru. The both of you gave him a smile and wave to him.

"Oi Kusokawa, get back to practice," another voice grumbled. The angry voice's owner stepped out and hit the cheery brunette on the head. It was Iwaizumi. He looked up to see you and Izumi sitting on one of the benches.

"Ah, hello there l/n-san," the spiker greeted with a warm smile. You felt your heart flutter and your face flush with a red hue. This was another reason why you always avoided the black spiky haired man. He made you feel very weird around him.

"H-hello Iwaizumi-kun..." you stuttered, trying your best to keep a relaxed composure.

"Well then... we should probably get going back to practice... see you in class, l/n-san," he greeted with another warm smile as he dragged the brunette back inside the gym. You smiled and nodded, still feeling very shy.

"Girl, he knows you exist," Izumi teased with a giggle as she knudged you with her elbow.

"S-shut up!" You shouted in an embarrassed tone. The both of you talked for a little while longer, feeling the breeze of the wind.

"Hey y/n... you aren't in any club right?" Izumi asked. You shook your head. You quitted basketball a little while ago since you were starting to get tired of it. Obviously, your parents were not really supportive of that since they expected you to excel in a sport. You could play many sports. However, you lacked the passion and commitment to. You were given great stamina and strength but you just did not find passion in sports. You only knew so much about sports because of your athletic brother who teached you how to play many sports. He was a nerd for it.

"Well then... why don't you sign up for the volleyball manager?" Izumi suggested.

"W-what? Why?" You asked, getting flustered again since the first thing that popped into your mind was Iwaizumi.

"I mean... you don't really invest yourself in anything which is probably the reason why you've not been in such a happy place nowadays. You also carry your teammates for volleyball in pe. Moreover, you can also get to interact more with Iwaizumi!" Izumi said, listing out the pros of joining as the assistant manager for the volleyball team.

"Ms Tanabe has also been urging you to join a club. You've been on the run without a club for half your second year. You should join a club and make memories before you graduate!" Izumi said. You looked at the ground and let out a sigh.

But what's the point?
I hardly socialise with many
The boys there might just think I'm a fangirl who decided to join just to drool on them as they practice

But then again...
I don't want to leave this school without uttering a word to him...
And maybe...
Just maybe...
The assistant manager role could help me decide on my future career...

"I'll think about it..." you said, getting up from the bench. Izumi let out a hooray and followed you. The both of you walked to the station, making conversation along the way and parted once you've reached.


"Have you ever considered joining the volleyball team as an assistant manager, l/n-san?" Your PE teacher asked.

"I have but... I'm not really sure," you said, rubbing of the sweat on your forehead. You were playing a volleyball match between your classmates and you seemed to be carrying the whole game for your team.

"But sweetie, you have such extraordinary skills! You could even become the coach assistant!" Your PE teacher exclaimed patting your back. You let out a nervous laughter and denied her compliment. "That's it. I'm not giving you a choice, you're joining the volleyball team as coach assistant!" Your PE teacher said.

"No! You're help is going to benefit the whole team greatly!"
"No buts!"

You stood there speechless with your mouth agape. Why was everyone so keen on making you join the volleyball club these days? What was the point?

I'm just going to pull everyone down in the team...

You thought to yourself as you clenched your fists. You did not have a choice but to nod with a fake smile. The bell then finally rang, signalling the end of class.

That's where it all started. That was how a tired sports prodigy relunctantly joined Aoba Johsai's volleyball team.

Ok but I realised Izumi is just Iwaizumi without the Iwa HAHAHA
I swear I used a Japanese Name Generator TWT
Anyway I hope this is okay :D
Vote and comment :)
Love y'all <3

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