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Not too long had passed since the third years had all stepped down from their club duties. Aoba Johsai was going to hold their annual cultural festival. Of course, your class would have to decide on an activity they would have to hold for the visitors of the festival.

Obviously, your class had went with the cliche maid and butler cafe idea since the preperations were much easier. The only difficulties were getting the costumes and finding a few chefs for the preperation of food. Thankfully, everything was settled by the day before the festival.


"Y/n! Are you coming-" "holy shit"

"Language," you chuckled, holding up your index finger. You had already change into your maid costume that you felt really uncomfortable in. The costume was really skimpy and it was really hard to sit down with it. Izumi was in a ravishing yellow gown that had many pretty details. Her class was doing a play based on Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

"Okay but like seriously though, you look hot," Izumi blurted out. "I'd lowkey dig that if I was a male," Izumi whispered with a wink. You let out a giggle and hit Izumi on the shoulder.

"Alright princess, where's prince Tooru?" You teasingly asked, smirking. Izumi was picked to act as Belle, the book worm princess, while Tooru volunteered to be the beasty prince. Keyword, volunteered. Izumi's face flushed a red tint color and looked away.

"I-I'm not sure..." Izumi muttered. You giggled at the girl's sudden shyness and patted her head.

"Good luck out there. We been knew you and Oikawa are gonna be the talk for the rest of the year!" You bursted, letting out a lively chuckle. Izumi's already red face grew even redder at your remark. Izumi then tried to slap you but missed.

"Izumi, I think you're classmates are calling for you," another person pointed out. At the same time, you had also accidentally bumped into the person with your back. You turned around to apologise to the person you have bumped into only to see Hajime looking at you with a smile.

"O-oh, hi Hajime!" You beamed as you saw your favourite ace.

"Hello y/n," the male greeted as he ruffled your hair which flustered you even more.

"Well then, I'll be on my way," Izumi said with a smirk to you as she walked off.

"We should go back to our cafe too. They could use some more hands," Hajime said, pointing back with his thumb. You nodded then the both of you went back to your classroom which was now transformed into a maid and butler cafe.

"One apple juice and iced latte comin' right up!"
"What may I get you today sir?"
"Ma'am, may I assist you with some iced water?"
"Here's your strawberry cheesecake you've requested for!"

The cafe was really lively and so far thriving in terms of customers. You and Hajime started getting to work by serving the customeres. From time to time you would bump into the male as you walked towards the kitchen to announce the orders and smiled at him whenever the two of you made eye contact across the room. To the ace, even if you were a distance away from him, you never failed to keep his heart pounding fast.

Finally, it was time for you to finish your duties at the cafe.

"Good work for today!" You shouted to your classmates who were finishing their clean up duties. They held up a thumb and flashed smiles at you and got back to their work. You let out a chuckle and stepped out of the classroom to get a good look at the festival. You stood there in awe for awhile as you saw the many booths that were prepared in the hallways and outside the building. There was a sea of people.

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