The Iron Wakandan

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"The king will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away"

People heard among the sound of the drums, The queen Ramonda, Princess Shuri and the Royal Consort Anthony Edward Stark stood as they saw the fight about to begin, surrounded by the Dora Milaje and the elders of the country.

When Erik or rather N'Jadaka as was found, returned to Wakanda to challenge T'challa for The Throne, though the Queen kept on saying no he had accepted the challenge. And thus they stood there with fear but confidence, that their king will win.

T'challa panted as his powers were stripped, he then stood once he calmed, he glanced over towards his family, shuri looked smug, absolutely sure he will win, Ramonda was a mother and mothers are always afraid for their children but she showed it the least. With a nod of the head she told him to come to her victorious. Tony looked sad, he didn't want him to fight, this was the love of his life on the line for the sake of Bast. His distress was visible but his smile told him that his lover could trust the universe in his hand right on spot. And it gave him courage to right the wrong his father had committed, though for the country but wrong non the less.

"This is your last chance, throw down your weapons and we can handle this another way" says T'challa to give a final out to Erik. "I've waited my entire life waiting for this moment, I trained, I lied, I killed just to get here" anger is a poisonous encourager, Tony had always believed and this man was out for revenge of a lost father. While he had no doubts on his king's abilities, he was definitely not coming out of this unscathed.

Erik shed his armour and continued "i killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq. I took life from my own brother's and sisters right here on this continent! And all this death, just so i could kill you" he seethes, all is quiet for a few seconds and then comes the line no one wanted to hear though now it couldn't have been avoided.

"Let the challenge begin"

The oh it begins, strikes come from both sides and to everyone's surprise Erik is holding his ground against T'challa almost overpowering him. Clashes against metal and shield continue for what seems like ages. Erik falls first and They let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Tony is watching intently, seeing every move. How it isn't disciplined, Erik's fighting style, it is more like 'see the opening, hit the opening'. His skills are more survival based, learned in the field in the course of self protection, brute force to overpower and not with the intent to win....... But to kill.

Erik earns a slash to the face and T'challa to his legs and then to his sides, "SNAP OUT OF IT T'CHALLA" Shuri screams and Tony feels like he is about to cry, he has seen far worse but when it's personal, it's different. The power had turned against him, getting hits after hits and then.... The cut wrenching scene of the spear impaling his lover, Queen Romonda gasps and shuri whimpers. For him time is frozen, for him the world is ending.
The blade is lifted and before he could shout, Zuri stops the blade. Killmonger in rage stabs him and anger clouds T'challa.

"Never fight when anger rules you, fight when you have shaped the anger into passion" Tony remembers telling his husband once when his lover seemed a little frustrated over something gone wrong along the Wakandan borders. Right now the mockery towards his king not being worthy coming from someone so crude as one whose name is the promoter of death and killing seemed to seer anger inside of him. And he had leaned to forge anger to iron very early in life. 'calm down Tony, this isn't over, it will be ok. Bast protect my love' he kept on telling himself.

Shuri cries next to him "COME ON BROTHER", "is there nothing that can be done" he hears someone say but he hears no reply. T'challa is picked and his soul runs cold, this can't be happening, no no NO NOOO, he isn't sure if he screamed but in that moment he knew, he isn't going to see his lover again, once again the universe laughed as it stripped him of what he loved, of who he loved, like it has done before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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