Ur so stupid

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Ahhhh the grass felt so good as I walked to class when I finally notice I reached the door. There was only 1 person there waiting to go inside he was very handsome so I walked up to him.

"Hi" I said as walking towards him smiling I don't know why but it felt very comfortable. "Hey" hey said also smiling it was cute.... heh "umm, econ 101?" I asked as pointing to the door " yeah "  he seemed very talkable but I guess he's not.

As I walked to the door and got closer I reached towards the door knob damn it I pulled harder. "Its locked" he said while staring at me so nervous. I chuckled at how he seemed to be that's cute heh he was just stood there awkwardly saying nothing he just kept taking a couple glances towards me

YAY the teacher cam the keys were jingling as he tried finding the right key " couple of early birds huh?" He said chuckling. "Have fun in there" teacher said as walking in I walked in behind him I'm guessing he did too because we bumped into eachother.

"I'm sorr-" I was gonna say sorry but he cut me off " after you!" He said chuckling I smiled at him back "Thank you" I said. "-but that's not nice you should go in first" I said looking up at him " my mother raised me" he said wow people really are nice here huh?

"Okay" as I walked in I couldn't find a chair but I just picked any random one he was behind me guessing he wants to sit with me. "Are you first year, too?" I asked while taking my back pack off "yeah... are you and econ major?" He asked "yeah I am heh" I couldn't help but chuckle at the way he looked at me.

"What about you?" I asked in return just to not be rude "English..." he said smiling at me I never got his name really!? Then all the students started coming in by my suprise he told me his name " I'm Kim Taehyung by the way" he said while looking at his books.

"Pretty name I'm Min Y/n" I said shaking his hand no I am not related to yoongi. "MORNING CLASS" the professor said he made me get scared a bit "I EXPECT EVERYONE TO PLAY CLOSE ATTENCION" I just smiled at the thought of me being able to finally live my life without mom.

○○○○magic skip time

I finally was taking a long shower I was kind of tired because it's been hard all day. I did not think school would be this hard but it's fine I'll get used to it I'm sure I will maybe I can study after this relaxing shower I'm having.

I got out moving the curtains away I dried myself as I walked out. I opened the closet door and through the mirror I saw a boy "AHHHH" why the hell is there a boy "uh, excuse me I think your in the wrong room!" I said turning around.

"I'm in the right room" the random boy said as looking up from his book. "How did you even get in here?" I said while glaring at him he showed the keys "okay" I said totally confused as to why he's still here. "-can you please go out to the hall so I can get dressed!" I asked really furious.

"Don't get excited. I'm not looking" he said while staring at me the door opens and Steph walks out. "You took your time" he said as watching her sit down "there they are" she said as grabbing the keys and she looked up "Hey y/n!" She said excited.

"Hi. Uh, can you please ask your boyfriend to leave so I can get dressed" I asked freezing because I'm wet. "Uh not my boyfriend. What'd you say to her?" She asked as looking at the random boy.

"Nothing I've Been minding my own buisness" he said she looked up at me "okay, well whoever he is-" I said scared now he gunned at me ooh i wanna smack him. "Okay your coming out with us " she said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I don't know" I said while looking up "im tryna picture this one at a party" he said while chuckling. I looked at him and Steph rolled her eyes.

"Just not seeing it" he said while sitting up from the bed " all the attention went back to me "ur not gonna stay in her forever, right?" Steph asked "Nope" I said back the door opened "wonder? It's a good book" he said while looking up at me.

He walked closer to me "I hate to spoil it......" he said as looking at the book "but it was all a dream" he said finally walking out. "Actually.." I said making him stop "it was all a lie" I said smiling he scoffed and left.

○○○○magic skip time

I was riding my motorcycle down the road to go study at a cafe. I sat down and got my stuff out and started walking that GUY walks in with a girl and a guy what a bitch. "Hello, can I get, umm" the girl said ugh just order somthing.

"A cappuccino with almond milk and a hint of peppermint on top" she asked wow that sounds good FUCK FOUCS Y/N I can anymore ugh I just continued. "Sure thing " the waiter said "I'll have a regular black coffee" that boy said that was at MY dorm.

"And for you?" She asked the other guy "um, I'll have a Americano plz" he said smiling. "No prob!" She said "Thanks" the guy said " your such a playboy" the girl said. Then that boy started looking around and made eye contact with me.

"Thank you" they started saying while picking the coffee up. Then boom he made eye contact again he grinned and left. I decided to leave there and go to the library.

"GUESS WHAT" Steph said singing as entering the library "whatsupp?" I asked smiling "we're gonna go to a party tonight!" She said as winking at me I scoffed "what?!?" She asked surprised "I didn't know" I said while looking at my homework.

Why does this have to happen to me!! "Your going" she said shaking me "don't you wanna have fun" I just sighed "shhhh" a random girl said "You shhh" Steph said back.

I made up my mind "yeah, of course I do!" I can't believe this I'm dead but oh well "then grab your shit" she started gabbing every thing "Steph" I sighed.

"Lets get ready to party!" She said "okay okay" dissapointed at my self. I looked up and ran to catch up with her.

○○○○magic skip time

I don't know what to wear why does this have to be frustrating.  Steph was already dressed I showed her a dress "What do you think?" I asked excited "its....it's pretty" she started walking up to me "maybe just... a little to formal"

"Im.....you said be myself " I said while turning around "u know what? I love it. I love it." She said smiling at me.


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