Chapter 21

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Jace saw her.

He was going to the skatepark like he usually does every night now when he saw her zoom there. But when he got to the skatepark she wasn't there.

He stood there listening quietly until he heard a loud sob. His heart stopped and he quietly crept behind a tree a few feet away from Blake.

She sat on the ground crying hard and Jace didn't know what to do.

He knew that if he went over there she would get mad at him but at the same time he wanted to comfort her. He wanted to take away her pain.

It wasn't until he yawned it was then he realized it was almost three a.m and he had been there for around three hours. But he stayed where he was. Blake sat against the tree, staring up at the stars.

Jace stayed to make sure she was okay. He knew she could watch out for herself, but it was more for him to know she was safe rather than protecting her from anyone.

He eventually sat down quietly against a tree and watched her silently. He waited until he noticed she dosed off for him to get some sleep.

Birds croaked loudly waking up the two teenagers.

They had gotten about two hours of sleep before the sun had began to rise as all the animals started to wake up.

Jace stayed in his position and rubbed his tired eyes and sore neck. His butt was completely numb from the position he was in but he stayed in the same place.

He waited until Blake got up and left like nothing had happened and waited a couple of minutes before riding home.

When he got there both his parents were asleep on the couch. The front door clicked shut making his mother open her eyes.

"Jace John Winters!"

He winced slightly knowing that he was in trouble. His parents expect him home by midnight when he is out skating and he never came hone. His phone was off too so he didn't get any messages.

"Where were you? We were so worried!"

Just as she hissed that his father woke up and stretched very loudly.

"I was at the skatepark, I'm sorry I didn't come home. Uh, I was making sure this person was safe" Jace mumbled the last part as he felt his cheeks heat up.

His mom stopped and smiled slightly at her son and the state he was in.

"Was it that Blake girl you always talk about?"

Jace turned even more red and that confirmed his mother's suspicions.

"Well you should have at least called. You're grounded for two weeks. Hand over your keys, your phone, laptop and after football practice you come straight home."

"Yes mom."

She sent her son a smile and kissed his cheek.

"I'm proud you stayed with the girl, she must be special."

"Very special mom."

He got all ready and ate breakfast with two of his siblings.

Jace's family wasn't rich but they weren't poor either. They had a decent sized house for all seven people who live here. He had three sisters, and a little brother.

He was the oldest being seventeen, the second oldest was his little brother Collin who is fourteen in eighth grade, then came his little sister Avery who is twelve in seventh grade, then his other little sister Gracie who is eleven in sixth grade, and last but not least the baby of the family Michelle who is nine in fourth grade.

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