Chapter 14

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Blake skated to school as her purple hair blew backwards in the wind. Her music blasted in her ears as she glided across the sidewalk.

As school started approaching, she jumped off the sidewalk with her skateboard. She touched the bottom of it before hitting the ground and gliding the streets as she zoomed through the parking lot.

Today she was wearing a black cropped hoodie, black slightly baggy jeans that she folded up to show off her clean white socks and converse. The words 'fuck off' read on the side of her socks as she kicked the back of her skateboard and carried it in the school.

When the time reached nine a.m the people with science fair projects were called down to the gym.

Blake saw Ethan and Jace standing there looking bored next to the volcano she had painted.

"Sup losers" she said as she popped her gum.

Ethan rolled his eyes at her and began typing on his phone and Jace smiled at her.

"Hi Blake, how are you this morning?"

Blake gave him a weird look and played with her headphones.

"Why so formal John?"

"I just want to know how you are" he shrugged as his letterman jacket rested on his shoulders.


Jace nodded and Blake popped her gum again.

"I like your socks" Jace said in another attempt to start up a conversation.


"Where did you get them?"


Silence fell over them and Jace asked yet another question.

"What class did you come from?"

"Is there a reason you keep talking to me?" she asked as she arched her perfectly shaped eyebrow.

She had her eyebrows drawn in a perfect shape, her winged eyeliner standing out against her natural eyeshadow look. She had chapstick resting on her lips as highlighter rested on her cheek bones, and the tip of her nose. Foundation covered up any freckles that she had along with any acne and bronzer had sculpted out her jawline and cheekbones perfectly. Her concealer covered up the bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep from the night before.

Blake was great at makeup, no denying that. She had her mother start her off with simple makeup freshman year and she just evolved from there.

She genuinely enjoyed putting on makeup and wearing it. She hated when people assumed she is doing it for someone. Blake did it for herself because she loved how good she was at it. She would never go out of her way to impress someone, it wasn't who she was and it will never be who she is.

"I just want to start conversation" Jace shrugged.

Ethan snickered next to them and Jace and him started bickering.

Blake rolled her eyes at the jocks and waited. She didn't say anything to people as they walked by and observed the volcano.

When their teacher walked by with a judge she nudged Jace. Jace then pulled a small string making the chemicals inside fall into a beaker.

"Stand back."

Blake added a little more of the chemicals that makes the others stuff react and blow up.

It shot up and overflowed over the painted volcano as red and orange foamy substance surrounded it.

"Well done guys."

Blake slightly smiled, proud of herself that she was able to do it since she sucked at science.

Ethan and Jace high fived each other proudly as the project got the first place ribbon. Blake stared up at the ceiling and closed her eyes for a few seconds

"I hope you are also proud dad" Blake thought to herself.

She watched the jocks jump around with joy as people congratulated them more but she really didn't care. Her number one supporter wasn't there to congratulate her in person so it didn't matter.

Blake walked off and Jace turned to congratulate her but she was gone. He furrowed his eyebrows and people talked to the jocks.

Blake did more work than both of them, so he didn't know where she went to. She deserves more credit than them.

She will always deserve more than everyone else in his eyes.


Blake laid on her bed, her feet up as she took pictures of her feet.

She was never one for selfies, she always took shoe pictures, skateboard pictures or pictures of nature. It makes her page somewhat mysterious just like her.

She had a lot of followers but she didn't care. Since her father was an actor other actors that were very close to her dad had followed Blake. People saw that and few of their followers decided to follow her as well.

Blake didn't care, she just liked showing people a tiny snippet of her life. But she hadn't posted since her father passed and she just posted her first picture again yesterday, and she wanted to post again.

Choosing a picture she captioned it and posted it and immediately people started liking it. But they never commented on it because she had her comments disabled since she first started.

 But they never commented on it because she had her comments disabled since she first started

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blake: do us both a favor and fuck off

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She took off her shoes and deleted the pictures she didn't post as she scrolled through Instagram before getting a text from Chris Pratt.

Chris: Hey kiddo! Was just thinking about you, what's up?

Me: hey chris, and nothin's been up just in my room listening to music

Chris: You holding up okay?

Me: yup, mom's not handling it too well still but i'm looking after her

Chris: If you need any help, or a getaway I'm only 30 minutes away

Me: i know, thanks chris

Chris: Of course! I always told your father you were a good kid, I got your back always

Me: thanks

Chris: Well I'm tired, can't stay up late like you kids can. I'll catch up with you soon. Goodnight Blake

Me: goodnight chris

Blake turned her music up and stared at her ceiling. She breathed out deeply as she blinked away the tears.

She didn't like crying, she felt like it showed weakness. That's why she kept it all bottled up.

And soon enough the bottle will no longer hold in.

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