Dreams #1

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I had the strangest dream last night...

I woke up in this strange world, except... I was me, in some sort of uniform. I was sitting at this long round table, with a bunch of people all around.

It was everyone I had ever met in my life.

They had different personalities! They kept calling each other by country names, specifically the countries of their nationality's origin. Gilbert, though, was known as... Prussia? Yes, that was it.

What even is Prussia? I think that's where Gilbert got it into his head that he's Prussian...

Anyways, things were hectic! Everybody was either fighting or acting like complete... children!

I'm sorry, but it was too strange, even for me!

Due to my anxiety, I had to find a way to escape, only for Ivan to press his hand down on my head and ask me this:

"You know, I've always wondered what makes you such an itty-bitty guy, Mr. Latvia."

Again, my anxiety started to act up, with me trying to get out of his grip. I don't like it when people touch my head or back... it brings back bad memories. And then I freak out and try to get away.

The next thing I know, I'm being pulled back into a protective embrace. I looked up to find Eduard, glaring at Ivan, who was Russia. Apparently, Edie is Estonia.

Tolys stood next to us, and he was apparently Lithuania. It was all just... so weird!

God, I need to find a way to get better sleep... I woke up at 3:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep. And it was a Monday...

I sometimes hate my life... this moment is the embodiment of that exact feeling.

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