A new friend

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I'll admit: I like to sing when alone. Though because my voice is so high pitched, I got nothing but laughed at for it in grade school.

So, I do it when I walk home. Tolys and Eduard don't live close to school like me, so they take the bus. Tolys always worries about me so much; he makes sure I always have everything and that I know how to defend myself if I was to ever be attacked or jumped. Guess I should be not only thanking him, but the martial arts classes he used to take in middle school after it was over.

But I got caught today. By Feliciano Vargas.

You know, he didn't even make fun of me. He sang along with me. I don't know why, but he started to sing with me, knowing the lyrics as well as I do.

It was... very nice. I haven't even sung in front of Tolys or Eduard, so to have someone who also shares the same problem as me with this was nice to know.

We got to talking. Apparently he lives on the block over, behind my house. We decided we would talk more at school. Apparently he's also great friends with Alfred and Ivan. Alfred is pretty nice, and he's helped me out before. Ivan has also helped, but I don't really hang around him...

Oh boy, this has gotten long... sorry! I'm just going to go lay down now.


Hi sorry I'm not dead-

I just scrapped the idea of this AU and the human AU I had created along with this for so many reasons. I didn't really feel like updating this anymore either, and then I decided to continue it just because, I don't really know.

Anyways, I'll try to continue to update this at least every other week. I can't keep to that, however. So yeah.

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