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"Muffet." You cooed quietly as you cautiously walked down a hall, your wand producing a red laser-like light to attract your cat.

You hadn't seen her all day and you were worried so not caring that it was past curfew, you snuck out of the Gryffindor dorms in search of her. You hoped you'd be able to find her before Filch or Mrs. Norris caught you or worse-

"Past curfew, Gryff." Yoongi tsked as he appeared out of nowhere, tapping his wrist in a disapproving manner. His prefect badge glistened under the flames from the torches that lined the halls. "I think that amounts to ten points from your house, doesn't it?"

And there was worse. Min Yoongi. The Slytherin prefect who loved to torture you with deduction of points.

"Or how about you admit you snuck out of your dorm because you knew you'd find me? I can't blame you for that. I'm quite irresistible."

He noticed the slight frown on your face and since you were taking a while to answer, he began to wonder if ten points was too harsh. But those thoughts were all thrown out as you opened your mouth.

"I'd rather insult a hippogriff, you nit-wit."

Ah, there she is, he smirked. Your comebacks were always creative and as much as they destroyed his ego at times, he loved hearing them as they effortlessly came out of your mouth.

"Fifteen points." He pulled out his wand and prefect notepad, scribbling some notes onto it as he murmured something about bad-mouthing an officer. There was a spark in his dark eyes as he looked back up at you. "I can go all night, if you want."

You bit your lip to fight back the insults you wanted to throw, not wanting to cost your house the house cup. Gryffindor was currently in the lead but as always, Slytherin was close in second place and if you were the reason why your house fell behind, you wouldn't hear the end of it. You ripped the note from his hand, glaring at him as you did so.

You were about to turn around and head the opposite way when you heard Yoongi let out a shriek. Your hand flew to your mouth to stifle your laughter at the sound. Curious to see what it was that had Yoongi screaming like a little girl, you turned to him but your attention was short lived as you felt something rub against your leg.

"Little Miss Muffet!" You exclaimed, beaming as you leaned down to pick up your pet.

"What in Merlin's name is that thing?" Yoongi cried out, eyes wide in horror as he took a step back.

"This thing-" you snapped, hugging your furry friend close to your chest in a defensive manner."-is my cat."

"Cats don't have eight legs!"

"Yeah, well snakes don't have two legs yet here you are!" You retorted as you pressed a soft kiss on your cat's head, murmuring sweet nothings to her. She was very sensitive about her eight legs as it had been a result from a cruel experiment. How dare Yoongi judge her without knowing her story? But should you really be surprised, when years ago, he had judged you for stupid reasons?

Yoongi glared, his lip curling in disgust as the cat purred in your arms. "Get that thing away from me before I make it twenty points!"

"Gladly!" You huffed as you stomped your foot, storming your way back to your dorm with your eight-legged cat in your arms. Oh, how you despised Yoongi.

There used to be a time when you didn't harbor hatred for Yoongi. As much as a nuisance he could be, you couldn't deny he was a rather good-looking nuisance. He was the first boy to catch your eyes when you arrived at Hogwarts and you were so naïve to fall for his gummy smile and exceptional charm. You couldn't really blame your boy crazy eleven year-old self for falling so easily. You could only blame your terrible taste in boys.

Your naïve eleven year-old-self had even written him a letter, confessing your crush to him. You remember that day vividly. It was during your potions class when you had worked up the courage to place the note on his assigned seat, feeling all giddy inside. You'd never forget the smile on his face that formed as he read the note nor the way he had looked up at you. You had hoped then that your crush would develop into something more. But you lost all hope the moment you were walking to your history of magic class two hours later and overheard a conversation that left you wishing you'd never heard it but also, glad that you did.

"As if I'd ever like a Gryffindor. They're just as disgusting and unnerving as filthy mudbloods."

You immediately recognized that voice and although you heard it clear as day, you refused to believe it. You refused to believe that the captivating Min Yoongi had lived up to his stereotype. Peeking your head around the corner, your eyes confirmed what your ears had and you felt your heart drop to your stomach.

He leaned against a wall, arms crossed against his chest. A sneer marked his face and in that moment, you hated yourself because despite the fact that he had insulted your house and your blood status, you couldn't help but think to yourself how handsome he looked. His dark, fluffy hair had been parted slightly, showing off his black eyes that were neither soulless nor lifeless. Instead, they were like two blackholes—a bottomless pool of darkness that left the beholder gravitated to the mystery of unraveling what was behind.

Two other Slytherin boys, who appeared to be older than you, laughed at Yoongi's comment. Your hands were balled into fists at your side and before you knew it, you were turning the corner and revealing yourself to the three Slytherins.

"You take that back, you snake!" You had cried.

"[Y/N]." Yoongi had said in alarm. His eyes were wide and for a second, you had thought you saw regret flash in them. He stood up straight from his spot, biting his lip as he eyed you up, not knowing how to assess the situation.

The other Slytherin boys snickered at the sight of you. "[Y/N], huh?"

The taller one among them approached you slowly, emitting a hissing sound from his lips as if he were the predator and you his prey. Despite the urge to run, you stood your ground because you felt the need to stand up for yourself.

"I'm not scared of you." You gritted between your teeth.

"Oh, but you should be." The tall boy replied as his eyes raked over your form, his lips curving into a smirk as his gazed landed on the Gryffindor crest embedded onto your uniform. "Gryffindor." He leaned in so close to you, scrunching his nose in disgust as he inhaled your scent. "And a filthy little mudblood."

You doubted that your scent gave your blood status away, certain that he was just doing this to intimidate you. It was easy to tell apart the pure-bloods and muggle-borns in this school. As for the fact that he knew who you were, you figured it had to do with the note you had given Yoongi earlier. Although his intimidation was working, you tried your best to keep yourself composed.

"Should we teach this one a lesson?" The other Slytherin boy suggested.

"Don't." Yoongi warned in a sharp tone. Your eyes flashed toward him and for a split second, you thought he was going to come to your aid. But instead, you watched in disbelief as his eyes raked over you once more as if you were gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe. There was no trace of the charismatic boy you fell for or the gentle smile he had given you earlier.

"We shouldn't waste our time."

The two slytherin boys snickered once again at his words, and just as Yoongi had said, they left you alone. Not just that day but for the days to come. Those two Slytherin boys were known for picking at muggle-borns, but for some unknown reason, they never picked on you. They'd cower away at the sight of you instead and your eleven year-old self couldn't help but feel smug over the fact that you had stood up to them and it worked.

Min Yoongi had broken your trusting heart and since that day, you cursed yourself for being stupid and promised that you'd never cross paths with him again. However, life had a different plan for you. He had bumped into you the day after your confession and still upset over what you heard, you lied and told him it was all a joke and gave him the cold shoulder.

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