The Play

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"Show starts in 2 minutes! I repeat, 2 minutes!"

This causes everyone in in the wings to freak out. Well almost everyone...

"What are you pussies freaking out about? We have been doing rehearsals for 2 fucking months! Grow up!" Bakugou growled at the class, manly directing it towards 'Deku' and 'Dunce Face'.

"B-but, Bakubro! This is scary!" Kaminari whined.

Jirou snorted at the blondes fear. "You played guitar last year on this very stage. If anyone should be nervous, it should
be Shinso, he wasn't here last year when we performed." She gestured at the purpled haired insomniac who so far was just listening to the others.

"I was nervous last year too!" He shouted only to be scolded by Iida for being too loud.

Everyone ignored him and looked at Shinso for his excuse for not being scared. "I am just Ram's Dad. Not a big role."

Mina rushes to his side and squeezes his arm, "Be more energetic! You get a solo!"

His face scrunches up, whether it's because of the unwanted touch or the idea of singing a solo is unknown.

"We don't have time for conversations, the show is starting! Get to your places!" Momo whisper shouts at everyone and they do as she asked.

The chatter outside of the stage stops as the lights dim. Mr. Aizawa walks to center stage in front of the curtain holding a microphone.

"Thank you all for coming to Class 2A's performance of Heathers. It doesn't really need an introduction seeing that it is a popular play but I'll give one anyways. The play follows the life of a high schooler named Veronica Sawyer. She becomes friends with the three most popular students in the school, all of which are named Heather, and starts to crush on the new kid Jason Dean. I won't explain anymore because I don't want to ruin the rest of the play so with out further ado, lets begin." He explains extremely monotone.

In the audience a group of 'in'conspicuous watchers grew confused.

"Dabi, I don't see how watching this will help us understand the brats weaknesses." A man with pale blue skin whispers to a man over the top dressed in a disguise.

He shoots the guy a glare. "Because it will." He simply whispers back while hiding the fact that he was holding the the guy seated next to him hand. The real reason he wanted to come was to go on a date with his secret boyfriend and pro hero Hawks but with the amount of times that the villain group has almost been almost caught caused LOV to made a rule about only leaving if attacking or surveilling the school.

The man just grumbled in response and looked forward as the curtain opened.

Mydoriya began the song as few people, the ones playing the Heathers and Todoroki since he is playing Jason Dean, put on last minute details off stage

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Mydoriya began the song as few people, the ones playing the Heathers and Todoroki since he is playing Jason Dean, put on last minute details off stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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