• P R A N K B A C K F I R E D • ✈️•

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Ever since you and Ondreaz knew each other, there was a rivalry. A constant thrive to be better than the other. It started in just little petty things like who could get the most comments on a certain topic to full blown pranks. But, when you started dating it was a constant prank war.

A few weeks ago you caught Ondreaz out by covering his whole room in glitter whilst he was in Vegas for the weekend. And to this day he was still trying to get glitter out of the carpet and his bed.

You knew that he was going to get you back so you were constantly treading on eggshells, trying to get hints from Tony if he had been told anything. But there was nothing no insight at all. Maybe he had accepted defeat. Or so you thought.

He had planned to do a hickey prank on you and the only person he had told was Kouvr, as he needed her help on doing the make up for the hickey. He had planned to do it on the day you were going to hang out with some friends in the hills.

It was a Tuesday and the weather was warm, you and Ondre both woke up and laid in your bed for around half hour, "I better start getting ready I need to leave in an hour," you said. He just hummed in response, his eyes still full of sleep. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me, I don't think they'll mind if you do." You stated, trying to invite him. "No I'm good," he replied softly, adamant that he wasn't going to go. Odd, he would always tag along.

One thing about Ondre was that he hated being cooped up in the house all the time, so he would take any chance to get out and socialise with people outside the house. Whilst you got ready Ondre stayed cooped up in bed which was out of the ordinary as he would usually hassle you to allow him to shower with you, and even when you said no he would still sit in the bathroom. You just assumed he was tired.

Once you finished getting ready, you grabbed your jacket from your wardrobe and a bag and chucked in you phone and charger and some bits and bobs. "Right babe, I'm off I'll see you later," you said as you walked over and left a peck on his cheek, "okay, bye." He replied.

See Ondre had come up with the idea to try and be off with you throughout the day so it would build a bit of suspicion and seem like it was real. Through the day he posted tiktoks with kouvr and Instagram stories, obviously Alex agreed with everything first.

About six hours into you being out with you friends, some of the Sway house came over. All of you were sat in the cinema room, eating snacks and just chatting amongst one another when Anthony came over to you. "Umm can I speak to you real quick?" He questioned, you nodded and followed him out and into the kitchen. "I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, I just want to make sure everything is good with you and Dre," he asked. Genuinely concerned about your relationship. "Yeah why wouldn't it be? Do you know something I don't!?" You replied being to become anxious as too why he was asking. "N-no it's just that him and Kouvr have posted loads of stuff together and normally wherever you are, Ondreaz isn't far. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay is all." He said, radiating off a cheeky little smirk and the end and fluffing his hair. "Wait I haven't seen them or heard from him, are they still up?" You questioned, he nodded and pulled out his phone showing you the videos. A wave of jealousy washed over you, you felt the urgent need to go home. "Tell everyone I've got to go, thank you for that." You smiled and left.

Kouvr was half way through decorating Ondreaz's neck in hickeys when he received a call from you. "Hey," he said as he brought the phone up to his ear, ushering for Kouvr to stop. "Hi, I was wondering do we need anything back at the house?" You questioned, as you pulled into the petrol/gas station to fill up your car. "Nope we're good, I'll see you in a bit bye," he finished the phone call, not even giving you the chance to say goodbye. "She won't be long, hurry upppp," he said impatiently. He really wanted to pull this prank off, he needed to get you back.

Around 10 minutes later both Ondre and Kouvr shot upstairs and began setting up cameras around your room, hiding them in different angles. Kouvr waited for Ondreaz to put on a hoodie and applied some setting spray so nothing would move. "Good luck." She said as she left the room and walked back downstairs, now he just had to wait for you. He pulled out his phone and watched through some YouTube when he heard your car pull into the drive, not long after he heard your footsteps up the stairs.

"Hey darling, how are you?" You questioned as you put down your bag on the chair and climbed onto the bed next to him. "You're back early." He said avoiding your greeting and question, "yeah wasn't in the mood to be there I guess. " He just nodded, you looked over towards the desk and clocked a camera which was pointing towards you. Oh shit. A prank was about to occur. You slyly waved at the camera.

You were sat watching tv on the bed and still nothing had happened, "fuck it's hot." Ondreaz said standing up and pulling off his hoodie, that's when you noticed the hickeys. "What the fuck Ondreaz, what are they?!" You said angrily, standing up from your comfy spot on the bed. "You gave these to me the other day," He said peeking over towards the camera. That's when you noticed this was the prank, time to go along with this.

"Well I guess we're both in the wrong Dre," you confessed. Going along with the prank obviously, his face dropped. "What do you mean we're both." He said as he stepped forward, "Well earlier whilst I was out, I was with Anthony and one thing lead to another and we you know." You admitted looking towards the ground and fiddling with your hands, in order to make it look as legitimate as possible. His face dropped once again, his voice raised up a pitch, "You can't be serious can you. This was supposed to be a prank, and you do this to me. I can't believe it, I thought we had something special but obviously not." He trailed off towards the end, he walked into the bath room and grabbed out a baby wipe and started wiping off the 'hickeys' "see look these aren't real, please tell me you're joking." He begged desperately, "I'm so sorry Ondreaz I just didn't think we worked the best and plus me and Anthony had this connection." You replied carrying on with the prank, trying to see how far you could go before it was interrupted.

You got up from your bed and walked over towards Ondre, you placed you hand gently on his arm. "I'm really sorry babe," he quickly jerked his arm back. "No don't fucking babe me, you cheated on me, I can't believe you, I always knew you were a player. You're like all the other just use me and then leave!" He shouted as he walked out of your room and down to his, slamming the door in pure anger and stress. By this time you also had tears streaming down your face, he really thought you were just using him.

You walked back into your room and washed your face to calm yourself down. "Fuck sakes!" You heard a shout from down the hall and a loud bang to accompany it, you heard someone walk up the stairs. "Is everything okay?" It was Thomas, "yeah everything is fine." You replied, "okay then," he said and rushed off back down.

You needed to fix this you were only going along with the prank, but what if this was the end, you couldn't loose Ondre. You raced down the corridor and knocked on his door, you were met with silence. "Ondre please open up, I was only joking," you pleaded. "No just leave me along I don't want to be near a cheater." He replied bitterly, ignoring the fact that you told him it wasn't serious. "Seriously Ondreaz if you don't open this door I will-" you were cut off by a tap on your shoulder, it was Tony. "I'll speak to him if you want," he said as he wiped some of the tears that had fallen. You nodded and went to sit at the top of the stairs with nick.

As soon as you went Ondreaz let Tony into his room, "bro I think you should listen to her, she's crying and you in here is making her feel worse." Ondre did nothing more than walk out to where you were sat and grabbed you hand and lead you back to your room. "Babe listen, as soon as I walked into the room I saw the camera I knew you were going to prank me so I knew I had to get you back, I didn't do anything with Anthony I swear. Please forgive me." You were now sobbing whilst sat on your bed and he was sat at your vanity. "I forgive you, sorry for everything I said I was just really upset, and I didn't want to loose you. I guess I was just scared that I was going to be by myself." He said as he pulled you in for a hug. "I love you," "i love you too, but trust me you better keep watch because I'm gonna get you." He just chuckled.

Word count: 1700 words

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