Chapter 3

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That morning, I explored the mansion as my feet wished to set on. My grandpa was dead when my mom just about my age. So I never met him but I knew him from the album that grandma showed me last night. He looked really noble, demanding, ruthless and yet very loving.

The pictures of them together showed how loving and caring grandpa were. His smiled reaching his eyes when he hugged grandma and laughed together. The happy face that he wores only shown when he's with grandma in those pictures. A smiled twig on my lips when I thought about that.

I stalked towards dining and settle on the chair. The breakfast already set on the table. My stomach growled for food as I drooled looked at it.

" Good morning darling. How was your sleep?" Grandma greeted me as she kissed my forehead and then settled down on the head chair beside me.

" Good morning grandma. Great! I felt so comfortable that I didn't want to get up at all." I grinned at her. She smiled kindly back at me. She called her butler and asked for the news. When she sipped her coffee I just looked admirely at her.

" Ehmm...Grandma." I wet my lips as they dried again out of nervous.

" Yes my dear." She answered but her eyes still glued at the news in front of her.

" Are these all your properties?" I asked and pursue my lips together waiting for her responded.

"Yes..." My eyes widened again. Her land was too big and huge to live alone by herself.

" But will be yours, my dear." She said suddenly. I looked at her confusedly. What was that? a sudden billionaire?

" Why me? what about other relatives?" There's no way I gonna owned this by myself. It didn't felt right.

" You're the only one Valerie. The last bloodline of Aaryn. Your mom was the only child so that your grandpa even on my side. My sisters died in accident and there's nothing left. Only us in this bloodline and you need to be on the next line heir, Valerie." My grandma demanding. I stunned for a while before nodded. I never imagined this kind of life before.

I'm happy with my life now. Well, not completely but still I loved what I have right now. Somehow, my grandma was right it would went to waste if my properties gone to the wrong people.

" Well grandma let's not talk about the 'wills' you're not going to die yet you still healthy and strong." I giggled as she smiled at me softly when I said that to her.

" Grandma can I take a walk into the wood. I really wish to explore it. Can I? pleaseee.." I made a puppy eyes so that she would let me to. However there's anxious look in her eyes to let me go in there as of she was worried about something.

" not like I didn't permit you but the forest way too thick you can be easily lost in there. I don't asked my men to check it out for safety first before, because the property is too huge for them to partrolling around. Someone can be lost in there. Valerie sweety as you been here please do as I said." She said worriedly and softly to pursue me.

She got my hopes high for a moment. I lowered my head in disappointment. How I really wished to get in there. Explore outside the world. It must be fascinating. My grandma looked at me in guilty before she heaved a heavy sighed.

" Very well, you may look around but don't go too far and please remind yourself about these three things. You must remember and be weary. It very important. First, do not sneak into the woods when I'm not around. Second, if your heard things just let it be never talked to it whatever it is and lastly, do not be tempted by anything or you have to stay forever." She said strictly and demanding.

I nodded even the rules were a bit weird but I had to do as she said or she never let me explored the forest. Well, I'm big enough to take care of myself. As she said that I excitedly ran to upstairs to take my camera and storming out of the house and went towards the forest.

" Valerie be carefull and remembered what I told you!" She shouted at me from a far since I was already entered the forest. A big smiled cracked my lips when my eyes landed on the nature of this beautiful forest.

My eyes wandered wildly looking evertything as my feet continued stalked over. I didn't realized that I was too deep in the forest when I noticed the mansion, the yard and the cars couldn't be seen already.

I didn't knew why my feet kept walking for I don't how long I've been in here  as my eyes wanted to see more what deep in the forest. What lived beyond this thick forest? until suddenly it became foggy and the mist grew thicker. My heart pounded loudly when it became dark and darker as it was already night.

My feet stopped walking when I heard a howling and I already felt a little bit scared. I knew that I should turn back right now. Something was not right about this I so far from the main house. My legs started to run as fast as I could but something tripped my legs over.


" Ouch!" I groaned when my knee was bleeding and I flinched how stingged the wound was. I tried to get up but it got a little difficult when I felt the painfull on the other knee. Both of them were bleeding since there were too many twigs on the dirt road in this forest.

I took out my phone to make a phone calls for help but unfortunately of course there wasn't any lines here and more worsened my bars were lowed.

" Damn it! how come I stucked in this situation?" I groaned and cursing some more to make myself satisfied. It was all my fault if I wasn't really interested to get in here I won't be here right now!

I tried to walk slowly down the path I did earlier to find my way back home to the mansion. When I moved I could felt the stingged bit me at my knees and I heard a growled a loud one. It sounded very close behind me. My hands and legs were shaking. A sudden my grandma's reminder rewinding inside my head.

'I should ignore it and never turned around.' I kept repeating this in my head but that 'thing' growled again as it wanted me to look at him. It's growled became louder and really closed to my ears.

I kept my eyes shut until my feet slowly turned to face that 'thing'. My heart could stop poundings and I opened them slowly to see that 'thing'. I gasped a moment before scanning it clearly. My eyes widened and my body trembling so hard that I couldn't move in inch.

It was huge,furry and strong wolf. It's eyes were bright green as a forest that full of leaves just like the forest they were in. But that sharped eyes kept piercing into hers.  like a beast that waiting to rip it's food off and gobbled it up until there was nothing left. Oh my god...and my eyes became blurry and  before pitch black.

Hi! how was this one? I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes and the typo.

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