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It was raining, ironically. Iruka thought to himself, would this be a good time to tell him? We're alone right now... And just like that,  Mizuki pushed Iruka down onto the cold, wet ground. Normally, it'd be ok if they were doing it out of fun, but this time, Iruka felt a lot more force than usual.

"Mizuki, what are you doing!?" Screamed Iruka. Mizuki simply looked at him with a dark hatred in his eyes. " You really don't understand, huh? Stupid bastard... " Iruka felt a dark presence of hate, he hadn't felt it in a while. How could this happen!?

"My parents died too... During that attack... And because you were the only one who was a fucking crybaby about it, you're the only one who recieved sympathy from others... It's only natural that I'd be jealous... Right?..." He said, leaning down. 

Mizuki punched Iruka with all his might, and Iruka's nose was probably broken. He cried, not knowing what to do. He wasn't in a position to attack back, and the pain was unbearable for him. I don't want to attack back...

Iruka curled up as Mizuki continued to strike mercilessly. Iruka was hoping it was only a nightmare. His prayers weren't answered. Why... Mizuki?!

Meanwhile, Kakashi was walking nearby, and saw the two boys. He saw how unfair the fight was. Kakashi immediately ran over to them, and luckily Mizuki couldn't hear him, mainly because of the rain dropping heavily on the ground.

Kakashi pushed Mizuki off of Iruka, grabbed Iruka by the hand and ran away. Mizuki didn't follow. He'd surely be seen by some teacher, and risked suspension. Or EvEn wOrsE, eXpeLLeD!

Kakashi brought Iruka to the nurse's office.. "How did this happen, Iruka?" The nurse asked, treating his nose. "I... Fell..." He said. There wasn't any proof Mizuki had done it, and one witness wouldn't have worked either.

 Kakashi sighed. "He didn't fall, ma'am. Some other kid was beating him, and I had to take him here." He said. "Why didn't you tell me about that, dear? " the nurse asked, trying to look Iruka in the eyes. "Who'd believe me?" He replied, tearing up again. "You're ok, hon." The nurse said in a motherly tone, making Iruka feel a bit less lonely.

 "Well, Kakashi, it's the end of the day. If you're ok with it, can Iruka stay over at your house? You'd know how to deal with anything if that goes on. Please? I don't know where else to send him. " the nurse asked, and Kakashi gave her a nod. How troublesome... Kakashi thought.

(A/N): The nurse is no different than us, we all know she ships it.

"Follow me, Iruka-san."

" Ok, Senpai... "

They walked out of the building, and down the street. The rain had stopped, and the air was fresh. It was still cold. "There's no need to call me Senpai, Iruka-san. " said Kakashi, looking at Iruka.

"Ok, Kakashi-san..." He continued to avoid eye contact.

"Are you having a hard time walking?"

" Huh? "

"Get on." Kakashi kneeled down in front of him. ".... Are you really sure you can carry me?" Asked Iruka. "I'd bring shame to myself if couldn't carry a small fry like you down one block." Iruka seemed a bit offended, but brushed it off.

Iruka got on Kakashi's back, wondering what the onlookers would think, and they started walking off. "Umm... Thank you, Kakashi-san." Said Iruka, respectively. "You're welcome, Iruka-san." Kakashi replied.

They reached an apartment building about two or three blocks away from the school, and Kakashi struggled to get his keys out from his pocket. "You need me to get down?" Asked Iruka, noticing Kakashi's very real conflict. "Just for now, unless if you wanna stay down." Iruka got down and Kakashi's very real conflict had ended. Iruka decided to stay down, he felt very embarrassed about the last two blocks.

The apartment was conveniently on the first floor. They walked into the tiny apartment. Everything was neat, the carpet was soft, and a creamy colour of white. There were about three rooms. "Sorry for barging in. Nice place." Said Iruka, looking around. "Thank you." Replied Kakashi.

"What's in this room?" Asked Iruka. It wad the only room with a closed door. It appeared to have a lock, too. He observed the door, curiously.

"It's nothing special, just don't go in there, please." Kakashi avoided eye contact.

Although the request was a bit strange, Iruka respected Kakashi's privacy. Kakashi sat down, and motioned for Iruka to sit down with him. Iruka did as he was asked, and sat down. The carpet had a nice, homey feeling to it. Iruka wondered why they didn't sit on the couch, and made no comment.

"It's kind of wierd, having someone at your house and barely knowing anything about eachother. Please, tell me about yourself, Iruka-san. "

(A/N) I updated the story, adding more detail. Because why not?

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