Chapter 10

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Steven sat next to Connie's bed and read to her. His voice was soft and gently, seeing as it was 3 in the morning and pretty much everyone was asleep.

Connie was laying on her side and watching him read. He couldn't pronounce some word which made Connie softly repeat the word for him.

"She looked at father, a small tear in her eye as turned back to her soon to be husband," Steven whispered gently, his left hand intertwined with Connie. "Life couldn't have been better for her," he smiled and closed the book.

At the moment the only men Connie could bare to see where her father and Steven. She was certain it was the life time connection with them.

Steven kissed her hand gently like he did when they were little. "I think that was a cute story," he smiled as he moved his chair closer.

"Eh..i feel like their relationship was kinda forced," Connie looked at him. "Like who gets married that fast? And right after her mom died?"

"What if when her mom died she realized that life's short," he closed his eyes as Connie's fingers messaged his head.

"Whatever the reason, it was way to soon," she sighed softly. She moved closer to Steven and closed her eyes. "Good night..."

"Night Connie," He whispered and kissed her forehead, in which she kissed his chin.

Just like when they little.

"Bed you two!" Doug called out from his office, he heard the two children giggling and laughing about a story they were reading.

"We're almost done reading! I promise!"

Doug wasn't going to complain. This memory was done when Priyanka had decided she and Doug needed a break. So Connie was able to stay up without getting yelled at.

"Just than a spooky monster came and took the fruit bat away from the evil man...the end," she shut the book and smiled at her friend.

Steven was cuddled into his little sleeping bag, he giggled. "That was cute! I hope they get married,"

"Why do you think that?" She giggled.

"They seem cute,"

"You're a goof," she stood up and went to put the book away.

Doug sighed and stood up from his desk, he made his way to his daughters bedroom. "Bed you two," he laughed.

Connie looked at her father. "Hey daddy," the six year old laughed.

"Hey honey," he laughed. "Come on get in bed,"

"Okay!" Connie got up on her bed and laid down.

"Goodnight you two," he shut the light off and made his way down stairs.

The two kids laid silently. "Connie? Can I lay with you?"

"Yeah!" She whispers out. She moved over and let him scoot in. She wasn't going to question him, cause she herself got scared sometimes when sleeping at Stevens.

Steven got up slowly and laid down. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. Connie wrapped an arm around steven and falling asleep. Steven leaned over a bit and kissed his friends head. "Good night Connie,"


"Where do you think your going?" Connie looked at the person, she was wearing one of her favorite dresses.

"Out with Steven." She replied, she moved her dress down more, it was really awkward with Jeff just staring her down.

"Not dress like that," he pointed at her dress.

"Its for a formal event, I have to wear something nice," she sighed.

"Take it off, slut. You can find something better, you'll be asking for him to bend you over and fuck you,"

"Come on this is my only dress," Connie sighed.

She wasn't going to admit the dress was a little tight in certain spots, or that it rode up a bit as she walked. She liked this dress a lot and wanted to keep it on.

"Take It off, Connie, you aren't going to walk around like a slut. Take It off or I'll do it myself,"

Connie eyes widen. "Jeff...please,"

Connie shot up. Her breathing was over the roof as she placed a hand on her chest. "Jeff?" She looked around.

Steven groaned softly and sat up the rest of his body up. "Connie?"

"No...No," she curled up on her self and rocked softly. " sorry," She cried. "I won't do it again,"

Steven placed a hand on his friends back only for her move more against the bed, to get away. "Please...Im sorry."

Sobs broke through the room. Steven wanted to help but he didn't know what to do. He looked around before seeing her mother make her way in.

"What happened?" She looked at Steven and than her daughter. Steven shook his head.

"I have no idea.." He looked at her mother and than Connie.

Connie heard her mom and sat up slowly, once her mom was in reach she hugged her tightly. "Please don't leave me..." She cried.

"Honey...I won't...shhh," She rubbed the girls back and gave Steven an apologetic looked.

Priyanka sat down on Connie's bed. She held Connie closed and patted the spot on the bed for Steven to sit.

Steven did and Priyanka held both adults close. With everything going on she thought it was best that both of them get some love from her.

Connie cried and clinged to her, Steven just laid his head on her shoulder and bit his lip to stop him from crying. He loved how Priyanka herself showed him love, and how she did since he was little, he just wished the gems did when he was little.

"It's okay to cry," She rubbed both of their backs and let both of then let out heart breaking sobs. "Its okay...let it out,"

Both of them held into her as though she was stuffed animal and she just accepted it. Everyone needed a good cry every once and awhile, and with both of them have gone through so pretty traumatizing things, she wasn't going to stop them.

"Thank you...Priyanka," Steven choked out.

"Anytime honey...I'm always here for you both," she placed a small kiss on both of their heads.

So I rewrote this chapter 3. 3 fucking times, and I still hate it.

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