Chapter 18

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"Let me go!" Connie cried out as she moved against the rope the doctor had her in. "Please!"

"Connie, this would go a lot faster if you calmed down and did as we said. We don't want to mark you as dangerous," a doctor held her down.

"Argh!" She yelled louder and pushed against the restrainments.

"Induce her, shes only gonna give us more problems," than she was out.

"Connie?" A male voice woke her up. She tried to sit up but her body wouldn't move.

" gotta help me," she cried. "There gonna kill me!"

"Oh Connie...I don't care. I never have and never will," he laughed and grabbed her face. "I hate you, just like everyone else,"

She felt her heart sink and fear take over. She was worthless, her life didn't matter, she didn't matter!

"Now your getting it.."

"Who are you? Leave me alone!" 

"I like it here," the voice echoed. "I feed off you..."

"Please stop,"

"I can't do that.."

Connie watched the scene before her disappeared and a figure of Jeff appear.

"I'm everything and one,"

Jeff disappears and than her mother and father showed up. "It'd be shame if they, oh I don't know...died,"

Another scene played put, freaking Connie out more. The sound of cars crashing, screaming, crying, the taste of blood. It was all to much for her. Of course it was.

"And Steven...sweet, sweet Steven. Why do you like him? Don't you see everything he's done to us?"

"He's done nothing but help!"

"Oh but he has. He's left us behind, used us, broke our promises, is he even our friend?"

Steven looked at Connie sadly as she backed away from. He didn't mean to upset her, he never had.

"We can't be mad at him, his life has been so bad.."

"Who cares? I don't," the voice laughed.

"Who are you?"


A figure of Connie came and smirked at her. "Ive always been you.."

"This doesn't make any sense, I'm me,"

The fake Connie moved around and smiled. "Remember that time? The time your father hit you?"

"He's never hit..."

"I know everything Connie, I know all the years of abuse, how much you hate yourself, how you want to throw people of buildings. I. Know. It. All,"

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