Chapter 1

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“Hey Aleks, we need you for the skit now” Jordan called from his office. The Russian reached down to the side of his desk and pulled a heavy wooden box onto his lap. A sizable silver padlock hung from the front and kept the box firmly closed. This box contained something extremely precious and important, something that was a vital part of Aleks’ life. He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out the key for the padlock and slotted it in, fumbling around trying to turn it until it finally turned. Aleks slowly lifted the lid with a grin plastered onto his face. Amongst the bubble wrap, there lay his beloved Optimus Prime helmet. His fans and the other Creatures regarded it as Aleks’ trademark, hell it was even part of his channel intro, but it meant a lot more than just a trademark. It was what ensured he could live up to his name, to be and to remain immortal. If this helmet was destroyed, Aleks would be left extremely weak and would be likely to die. This was not the only power that the helmet possessed, it also had the ability to ensure whoever Aleks chose to put it on could be restored to full health, regardless of how close to death they were. 

In the corner of his eye, he could see someone pop their head round the doorway of his office. “Hey asshole, do you want to hurry up with that? We’re waiting...” James’ impatient voice matched the look on his face. “I was just getting my mask; you’re the one who wanted me to wear it for the skit, dumbass.” Aleks replied curtly. “Woah there now Aleksandr, no need to get pissy with me” James said with a chuckle. Aleks just rolled his eyes, with a small but concealed blush forming on his cheeks. “Why’d you keep the helmet in that huge ass box?” the curly dark brown haired man asked. Aleks grabbed the helmet and made his way to the doorway. “Out of the way asshole, you were the one who wanted me to hurry up.” Aleks replied. James did not move and Aleks stepped closer until he could feel James’ warm breath on his face. Aleks gave him an unimpressed look.


“Not until you answer my question.”

“To protect it from idiots like you who will mess around with it and break it.” Aleks glared but couldn’t hold it for long. The corners of his mouth relaxed and broke out into a wide smile. “I knew you weren’t really mad at me”. James said with a smirk. Aleks glared but couldn’t hold it for long. The corners of his mouth relaxed and broke out into a wide smile. “I knew you weren’t really mad at me”. James said with a smirk.  “ARE YOU GUYS COMING OR NOT?” Jordan bellowed from down the corridor. Aleks trudged behind James to where the skit was due to be filmed.


Please could I have some thoughts on the concept of the fic as well as some general feedback? I'd love to know how I can improve and what elements people do or don't like. Hope you are enjoying it so far <3

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