Chapter 1 : He bumped into me

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Nb: Just keep reading,  most of the things you don't understand will be explain at the end of the chapter.

            As soon as I walked out of my car, everyone stopped what they were doing and immediately stared at me. I got out of my dark red mini cooper wearing a  black and white striped cotton mini skirt and  a purple turtleneck with a simple necklace and  a white bag all paired with some authentic pearl earrings . Yes, I'm rich . My dad owns a lot of hotels in the Bahamas , New York  and, here in Ghana. As I walked to the entrance of our actual school building, I heard the bell ring. Signaling that lessons were to begin in the next 6 minutes. I quickly walked to my classroom and set my bag down beside my chair. I didn't really care if the bag got dirty or not. Mostly because I  knew  it would not get dirty since my school has the cleanest  classrooms in Ghana.

            When the bell rang for lunch I was so eager to escape the classroom because I didn't want to be hit by the judgy and envious  looks of the girls in my class.

            I quickly picked up my bag and searched for my lunch money on the way to the canteen. I immediately found the money and continued on my way to get food. I'm not one of the girls who eat nothing but salad and water. But I'm also not one of the girls who would stuff their faces with food either. I care about how my stomach looks enough  to eat just the right amount of food and not more or less. But in school, most of the time everyone's given the same food to eat  and don't have a choice but sometimes they give you one other alternative. Today we just had jollof rice with eggs, shito and salad so that's what I ate after paying for it. The school gives us exactly what they believe is a "balanced diet" and we eat just that because we don't have other options.
After paying for the food like a already said I did, I took my food, and some cutlery to  the table right at the back of the canteen. That's where the cool kids sit at  lunch. We weren't many at our table just me (Chelsea), Dwayne, Charlene, Ohenewaa,  Leo, Osei and Brendan. Just us 7. I don't really have time to explain their personalities but you'll soon figure them out. After I had settled in, I brought out my bottle of water which was in my bag and took a sip. When I finished doing so, I waited for the rest to get here before eating my food.

            Lunch had been nice and I had fun with all 6 of them. As I was heading back to my class, someone bumped into me. I gave the person a sharp look, rolled my eyes, and sashayed away. I'm not exactly rude but if someone bumped into you ,you also wouldn't be happy. Moreover, he stepped on me and that had left a bruise on my foot. I decided to go to the washroom to get myself all fixed up and into the right mood for the next class. Everyone in my school  knows  you need  to do that if you have Agric Science for your next class period. I prayed to not fall asleep as I didn't want to get into trouble and walked out of the washroom to go to my classroom.

            The day was almost over. Well not really but kind of. Okay basically the day was halfway gone. Do we all understand now? I barely survived through the last few lessons of the day and as I heard the bell ring, Ohenewaa, who sits by me in Maths class grabbed my hand and literally dragged me out of the classroom. We had agreed, during lunch, to get some ice cream at  "Coco Vanilla" before going home. With each of us in our own cars , we headed towards Coco Vanilla.

Author's note.
     Jollof is an African .dish (mainly done in Nigeria and Ghana but trust me Ghana jollof is AMAZINGGGGGGGGG)
     Shito is a kind of thick sauce made with dried shrimp and pepper (basically)
     Agric is the short form of the subject Agriculture. Actually,  it supposed to be taught as a part of the subject Science BUT FOR SOME REASON THEY MAKE US WORK EXTRA HARD JUST TO KNOW ABOUT VEGETABLES. ARGGHHHHHHHHHH. Also for some reason, the Agric teachers are boring , or atleast mine is.

Some of these things don't really happen in Ghana but, we're  going to pretend they do. Kapish?
I'm an amateur writer so DO NOT expect this book to be totally amazing
Thank you very much for understanding 😌
Also,coco vanilla is an actual place in Ghana.
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