Author's Note

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Before reading I want you to note a few things. Firstly this book's  copyright is a creative commons attribution. This means that, I  own some rights to this book but i allow for people to translate or adapt this book and things like that. As long as credit is still given to me I'm  chill with it.

Secondly, I  wrote this book because I wanted to write a book not many people have written about. It was simply done just to please myself and if you have any problems with that....i don't want to know them. Please just stop reading the book if we don't have the same views on certain things. Now, there's a modern African saying ( I'm not Nigerian btw) which is "I can't comman kill myself" This means i would not stress myself intentionally and send myself to an early grave. This is what it means literally but i don't know how to explain it to your understanding. Only true Africans will understand this😂😂🤗.

Also this is not a book about romance maybe she's going to get a bf or smth but,it's still not a book mainly on their relationship or her love life.

All rude comments would NOT ignored. (That was not a typo.. I mean it) I WOULD come at you for not respecting the decisions Ihave made, the effort and time it takes to write this story, and the decisions my characters have made (unless that character is plain toxic)
Please refrain from using swear words in the comment section because swear words irritate me . A LOT

Last but not least. Please do not hate on my characters unless I hate that character too....then we will hate the character together but if i don't,please take your opinion somewhere else.

I'm not a mean person i just don't want soo much stress on myself just because of one story i said i would write. Thank you very much.😌
I'm not like this as a friend and this is business (kind of)
If you want to be friends you can dm me here or on Instagram


Hope you have a great day
Dedicated to my South African friend💃🏽💃🏽❤

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