The Unfortunate Tale of Pus

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Taeyong was unfortunate.

Most wouldn't say so. He was rescued from an oil spill and was brought to a rescue facility. It was pure luck that he was rescued, it would have been a miracle if they had let him back into the ocean.

Instead, they sold him off to an aquarium as part of an exhibit of "animals from the deep". Which was probably the first red flag, considering that he actually came from a coral reef near Hawaii.

The aquarium was new, and it clearly hadn't received much funding. The tanks were small and the filters were slightly dirty at best. The workers didn't care much about sea life care instead of treating them like goldfish that would die the next day. Which often happened.

The manager of course didn't see the workers mistreatment of the fish and instead blamed it on the predators residing in the same tank. Even if that had been the case, it still showcased the flippant attitude they held towards the management of the fish. They didn't even think to separate the natural predators from the prey.

The life he led there had been sad. It was not one of meaning. His motivations, dreams, thoughts, were all spent on when his next meal would arrive. The manager was not kind to him. He had been the main suspect of the death of multiple fish and that had led to him being put into another tank and fed fewer meals to weaken him.

It was silly the way they thought that through punishment respect would be born. All it had done was intensify his hatred for the people who had taken him away from potential freedom. His days had been listless.

Until he met Mark.

Mark was a bee, oddly enough. His small size had captured the attention of Taeyong, who was used to humans of all sizes coming to gawk at his multicolored appearance. Mark had flown up to the tank and regarded him pity, as opposed to the skin-crawling curiosity that other humans viewed him with.

Taeyong has felt intrigued, but he knew the bee would leave soon. And the bee did. Taeyong took that finite disappointment and turned it infinite hope for his next meal.  That day his dream came true and he received a small meal of fish food. It wasn't much, but it was all Taeyong could hope for.  

The next day, the bee came back. It surprised Taeyong, but he brushed it off as a general love for aquariums, no matter how shitty it was. Every day, the bee came to his tank. Every day, Taeyong experienced a growing feeling of a new hope within him.  It was almost like the bee came for him. He had never received such attention in his life, other than the scolding looks from the manager.  

On the day Taeyong had received another, the bee tapped on his glass several times. Taeyong stared in bewilderment. What was the bee doing? 

The bee tapped more insistently until Taeyong leaned closer to the glass. The bee held up a small sticky note that read 'do you wanna leave here?' Taeyong flinched away in shock, was it that obvious that he didn't want to be there? The bee smiled(?) gently at him before putting up another sticky note.  

'Is there somewhere you want to go?'

Taeyong stared at the bee in contemplation.  Where did he want to go? He never really wanted to go back to the ocean, it was harder to live there where you could die any day. But he was miserable here, outside of the ocean. He shrugged uselessly, unsure of how to respond.

The bee put up another sticky note. He leaned closer to look at the small handwriting. 

'My name is Mark. Do you wanna leave here?'

From that moment, he decided that maybe he could let the infinite hope in his chest bloom for something other than food.


A quick little backstory for Taeyong! He's just trying his best...

He would bee loved (Mark Bee x Jason Derulo 😔😢😢)Where stories live. Discover now