Insane Love

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***There is one scene in this chapter that is a bit explicit, nothing too crazy but I want to warn readers just in case you don't like reading that kind of thing***

I looked into his deep dark eyes searching for an answer as to why he was like this but there was no explanation for how he was. I realized that I could be the love that he needed to end all of this. "Oliver I..." just then the phone rang. Oliver jumped up, running out of the room to answer it. I heard the clanking and rattling of chains and looked over to see Lana scurrying off of the bed, towards the cabinets, reaching for the file hanging off of the front of it. "Lana! Stop it, he's gonna come back and kill us both!"

Lana ignored me and continued reaching for the file. Her fingers brushed the edge of it setting it off balance making it clatter to the ground. I winced, waiting for Oliver to burst in and skin us both but I could still hear him on the phone cursing loudly. "Lana please stop! I can get us out of here if you'll give me time!" But Lana would hear nothing of what I had to say. She continued to saw madly at the chain. I could hear Oliver making his way back to the room, my heart began pounding wildly. "Lana! Lana please stop he's coming back!" This caught her attention, she put the file back and scrambled up onto the bed pulling the covers over her as quickly as possible. Oliver walked in briskly, obviously angry about something. He caught sight of Lana, her breathing still exerted from her struggle with the chain. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked calmly, trying to get his attention off of Lana but he wasn't listening.
Marching over to Lana he felt her forehead and noticed the perspiration and her labored breathing.

"You were going to abandon me weren't you?" He asked. "Just like my mother did, even after I told you the terrible story, and of the way my mother left me." "No... I wouldn't do that... I... please don't hurt me." Lana's voice quavered as she tried to be brave and hold back the flow of tears threatening to come spilling out at any moment. "You brought this upon yourself Lana." he spoke calmly, going to the cabinet. He opened one of the cabinet doors, picking something up off of the shelf. My heart dropped when I realized what he had in his hand. A scalpel.
He was going to kill her right there, right in front of me. I had to stop this. "Oliver... please don't do this! I love you. I will never leave you and I'll always take care of you but only if you stop this right now." I said hoping my words could stop him. "She has to pay for what she did somehow Andrea, wouldn't you rather she die now instead if suffer?" I swallowed the lump in my throat before saying what I said next. "Please kill me instead, Lana would be a better mother anyways, you don't need me here." I heard Lana gasp in surprise at my martyrdom.
Oliver looked at me, then looked at the scalpel, then back at me.

Rising from Lana's bed, he stride over to mine. I let him tie my wrists to either side of the bed before putting on the mask he had made of human skin, hair, and Wendy's teeth, and pulling open my button up night gown. I turned my head towards Lana, letting the tears fall freely now that I knew it was over. I wasn't giving up, just giving in to the long fight for my survival. This was it. I mouthed "I love you" at Lana and heard a fresh sob burst from her as I turned my head back to face Oliver. I wanted to help him, I truly did, but I couldn't do it if I was dead. I had one more trick up my sleeve.

He used the scalpel to cut my bra open, slowly sliding it and my nightgown over my shoulders so that my chest was completely bare. He pressed the cold sharp metal of the scalpel against my sternum, preparing for the first cut. "Baby" I whispered, tears wetting both of my cheeks. It was like something clicked inside of him, he paused for a moment, pulling the mask over his head and tossing it off of the bed, setting the scalpel on the bedside table. I noticed he was also crying, his hot tears dripping down onto my bare chest. He untied my hands from the bedsides, pulling me into a sitting position, urging me to hug him. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, stroking his hair and telling him everything was gonna be okay.

He pulled away from my embrace. "Mommy" he whispered. Hearing him say this intimidated me almost to the point of doing something drastic. My heart slammed inside of my chest as I realized just how insane he really was. Tears were still running down his face. I reached up, gently brushing them away. I had finally found his weakness, now it was time to play along until I could either convince him to release us or catch him off guard. "Baby needs colostrum." he whispered, pressing me down onto the bed. At first I didn't know what was happening until I felt his mouth close around one of my breasts. In his world he was the baby and I was the mother and a mothers way of feeding her baby is by breast feeding, which was exactly the role he was carrying out.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine myself somewhere else but there was no way to evade the fact that this was happening. I glanced over at Lana to find her looking bewildered at the fact that I had managed to talk this phsyco into not killing us. I couldn't stop my body from taking control as my back arched, I cursed myself for even beginning to enjoy such a sick play at a time like this. He sat up after a while grabbing the mask and scalpel, placing them I'm their places on the shelf before stopping to gaze at Lana and I. I held his gaze not letting him intimidate me further. He turned and walked out of the room leaving Lana and I to shoot nervous looks at one another, frantically looking for an escape plan. That's all our lives consisted of anymore. Look for a way of escape. That's it.

***I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far, I'm really enjoying writing it! I wanna give a special thank you to all of those who have been reading and voting for this book I think this one is my most popular book so far!***

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