Insane Love

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***This chapter will have a really explicit scene so for readers who don't like reading that kind of thing please don't read it, I'm not sure how much is too much but on WattPad it doesn't seem like anything is too much lol! So just a warning before you start reading!!"***

The chain around my ankle was so tight and chafed my ankle with every move I made, blood seeped out of the deep wounds and stained the sheets at the foot of the bed. Lana was hurting just as bad and begged Oliver to take it off every time he came into the room but he had "finally found his mother" and wasn't willing to give us the chance to get away, he only unlocked the chains from where they were bolted into the wall so that we could use the restroom. Over the course of the week Oliver fed us and continued to act as if I was his mother, I couldn't believe the way I felt towards him but I really pitied him and wanted to be there for him. "Maybe I'm crazy too", I often thought to myself. I found myself looking forward to when he would come into the room in the evenings and crawl into bed next to me, Lana was beginning to realize this was more than just playing along now for me. I actually had feelings for him. His love was the only positive thing I had left in my life at this point. I felt as if maybe I could fix this. Lana seemed to have given up, either sleeping the days away or checking for weak links in the chain, trying frantically to escape.

"Andrea, the next time he comes near me, I'm going to attempt to kill him. I don't know how but I'm going to, I can't take this anymore." Lana cried from across the room. "Lana that's the worst idea you've had yet, we're both weak, even if we banned together he could kill us." I said calmly. "Why... because you're "in love" with him?! I'm sick of this Andrea he has done nothing but be so cruel to us and all you do is hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay when we are the ones who need that reassurance! Not him!!" I picked at a loose thread in the fabric of my nightgown understanding where she was coming from, she was right, he had kidnapped us and nearly killed us but somehow I had it in me to love him. "Just give me more time Lana I'm trying! If he realizes I actually love him maybe I can talk him out of keeping you here." "What do you mean me?! Are you saying you're gonna stay?!" She asked completely bewildered. "I have to stay! If I don't he'll just keep being like this and kill more women and it will be on my guilty conscience!" I whispered loudly. "Um no we would call the cops and get his murdering ass thrown into the electric chair!" She yelled.

I heard Oliver making his way through the house coming to our room. He walked in glaring at both of us as if he had heard what we were conversing about. I shrunk back afraid that maybe he had heard Lana and we would be right back a square one. Fighting for our lives. I heard Lana attempting to hold back a sob. Even me, being so controlled, couldn't look into his eyes. "Why are you acting so scared of me?" He asked looking hurt. "You were planning on leaving me AGAIN weren't you? Well that's the last time you're going to plan that behind my back!" He began walking briskly towards my bed. This time I couldn't stop the scream building in my throat. I let it out, it felt good to scream after all this time trying to hold it back and be strong. I looked over at Lana who was begging him to leave me alone. I closed my eyes. I had no fight left in me. It would be nice to die to just get this all over with. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see him pulling his clothes off. He was going to rape me! He climbed onto the bed, I tightened my legs together refusing to let this happen. "I'm not going to let you do this." I whispered, my voice hoarse from screaming.

Pushing my night gown up and taking my underwear off, he grabbed my knees, forcefully jerking my legs apart and quickly settled between my thighs before I could bring my legs back together. He thrusted into me and I gasped at the mix of pain and pleasure that went all through me. I wasn't going to let him think I was enjoying this so I tried as best as I could to think about other things like what me and Lana would do once we got out of here. He continued to thrust harder and faster, his groans filling the room and I couldn't contain it anymore. I wanted this. I wrapped my arms around him, my nails digging into his back. The pain slowly receded into a wave of pleasure with every thrust. I glanced at Lana, thankful when I saw her with her back turned to us. His skin, hot with lust, against my own was such a heavenly feeling. I tried to hold back the rising urge to moan. Our moaning grew louder until I felt the last wave of pleasure course throughout my body, making me tighten my grip on him. I felt his body stiffen as he thrusted once more. He collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily. We stayed like that for a few moments before he got up, starting towards Lana's bed.

"Your turn." he said simply. Lana began struggling, getting as far from Oliver as the chain would allow. "OLIVER STOP!" I surprised myself with the ferocity in my voice. He stopped and faced me. Lana was as pale as a ghost, trembling against the wall but I could see the thanks in her eyes but he ignored me. I couldn't do anything as he began raping her too. I turned away putting my hands over my ears so I wouldn't have to hear her cry. I wanted to help her but there was nothing I could possibly do. "Are you okay?" I asked Lana after Oliver left the room. "I couldn't be better Andrea and I bet you couldn't either right? We just got laid! I bet you're really proud of yourself!" "What the hell Lana, do you think I asked for this!" I asked angrily. "I'm not fighting with you anymore Lana, you're all I have and we will get out of here okay so please calm down!" She rolled her eyes lying down and turning over to face the wall.

I pulled the covers over me and tried to sleep. Just as I began drifting off I heard the cabinet at the foot of my bed slam as Oliver walked past me to Lana's bed. I quickly sat up, my heart pounding. "I've decided that this is not the kind of bond a mother and son would have so I have to kill both of you and find someone else but I don't believe in guns so I'll either have to slit your throat or strangle you." He told us. I couldn't cry or scream anymore so I just sat there staring at him. Lana on the other hand was nearly out of her mind, trying to get out of the chain clasped around her ankle. "You know what I have a better way for you to go." He said going back to the cabinet and pulling out a syringe and hypodermic needle filled with a strange liquid. He started over to Lana's bed and climbed on top of her to hold her down. I found my voice and screamed until nothing came out as Lana thrashed and eventually gave up reaching for a picture of Wendy.

I thought this was such a terrible way for us to die but right about then Lana grabbed the picture, bashing Oliver in the face with it. He fell off of her and she pushed him off the bed and rolled on top of him grabbing the key to the lock and chain around her ankle. My eyes widened in wonder at her as she punched him when he grabbed her again. She got the chain off and was limping towards me. She got the chain off me my ankle and then it was time for me to make my decision. I either had to stay with Oliver or go with Lana. I had decided. I lead the way up the stairs and looked back to see Oliver grab Lana's leg.

She kicked him and pushed me out of the way, rushing up the stairs. "Andrea don't leave me I need you." Oliver begged starting to get up from where he had landed at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm sorry Oliver but I have to go. I'm so sorry." He reached for me but I just ran up the stairs and out the door and into Lana's arms. We were free but we had to get out of there fast!

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