And then He Kissed Me-5

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Chapter Five

He kissed me.

It was a short kiss really. Closed mouth, no tongue action. It still got my heart racing though. As soon as it happened, it was over. Adam pulled away and acted as if nothing happened.

"Well, aren't you going to get in your car? Nice car, by the way. I myself have a Bugatti Veyron." he smiled smugly, as if he just one-upped me. He kind of did.

"Sure thing." I said, trying not to act shocked about what had just occurred. I slid into the driver's side and shut the door. Lily was already sitting in the passenger seat, on her phone. She obviously didn't see what happened. I started up the car, and heard a knock on the window. I rolled it down, and Adam stood outside of it.

"What's your address?"

"Why should I give it to you?"

"Cause I'm not a stalker."

"Should I trust you?"

"I don't see why not."

"Whatever. It's the apartment complex on Rutherford Street. Apartment 6E."

"Kay. Call me sometime, okay?"

"What? But I don't even--"

"Are we going?" this was Lily's voice. I turned back to the window, but Adam had already started walking away with his bandmates.

"Sure." I revved the engine and drove away. On the way home, it was more bumping and jolting. I still hadn't gotten the hang of the car. There were a few times where I was sure we were going to wreck. Why had I given him my address? I'm so freaking stupid, he's probably going to come over to my house and rape me! Well, he probably wouldn't because if i went to the police he'd have a huge-ass lawsuit on his hands. And we don't want to blemish his perfect little criminal record. Note the sarcasm.

By this time, I had pulled onto my street and was approaching the apartment complex. I looked over at Lily to find that she was fast asleep. How, I have no idea. I gently nudged her awake.

"Lily," I spoke quietly, "we're here. Looks like you're crashing at my place tonight because I don't feel like taking you home." the response I got was her shifting to her other side and continuing to snore. I picked her up over my shoulder and carried her up to my apartment. I unlocked the door with one hand and pushed it open with my foot. I tossed the keys into the bowl on the foyer table and whispered, "I'm home," trying not to wake Lily. I brought her into the guest bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She turned again onto her side as I pulled the covers up around her. I checked once more to make sure she was sleeping peacefully before leaving the room.

I made my way to my room, but not before I heard a knock on the door. "Who the heck could it be at this time of night?" I wondered aloud to myself. I dragged my feet over to the hall then tip-toed the rest of the way to the door. I looked out of the peephole and let out a gasp of surprise. I flung open the door and stood with my hands on my hips. "And just what do you think you're doing here, Adam?"

Adam stood in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the doorframe. "Just thought I would stop by and see if the address you gave me was correct. Obviously it is."

"Well obviously." I stated. "So what do you really want?"

"You ever been in a Bugatti?"


So there I sat, soaking up the passenger seat of a sleak black Bugatti Veyron. If I thought the Ferrari was fast, it was nothing compared to this. The horsepower on the car was unlike anything I had ever seen or felt. We were driving around the city, looking for who knows what. Adam hadn't said a word about what we were doing and we had been driving for about 15 minutes now. I looked out of the window as the car slowed down and stopped. We were at a park.

"Wow," I commented, "it doesn't get any more cliché than-- oh my god a playground!" I hopped out of the car and raced over to the play area. Adam caught up with me and followed me up into the fort. I made it to the top and called out below me, "No Adams allowed!"

I was met with a response of "My name's not Adam! It's...Tyler?"

"You sound unsure Tyler. You still can't come up here." I fired back.

"Would it make you feel better to know that there are swings here?" he asked.

"Swings? Where!" I yelled.

"I'll race you..." he said.

"That's it, you're on!" I slid down the slide from where I was and took off in the general direction of Adam's footsteps. When i caught sight of him, I saw the swings as well. I put on an extra burst of speed, pumping my arms and legs. At almost exactly the same time, we made it to the swings together. I beamed. "I so beat you."

"No, I don't think so." he countered. "I'm getting to old for this."

"Oh don't use the old card on me. I beat you fair and square," I said, plopping down on the swing. "So, why did you bring me out here, really?"

He sat down on the swing next to me and started to swing back and forth. "Well, for one thing, you weren't answering your phone."

"That's because I don't have your--"

"Ah bup bup. Before you finish that sentence, why don't you check your phone?"

I fished my phone out of my pocket, and sure enough, there were a few texts and a missed call from an unknown number. "But how did you...?"

"Lily." he stated. "I must be a really good actor if you really thought I was drunk."

"So you mean to tell me that you called Lily and I fat and ugly and you were completely sober?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, I had  had one drink. But still, yeah. I was kidding though!" he tried.

"No, no I don't think you were. Whatever man, just, whatever." I said, semi-jokingly. However, he thought I was completely serious.

"What can I do to make it up to you? You really aren't fat or ugly." he pleaded.

What can he do to make it up to me? Well I'd just have to think about that. Actually though, I didn't have to think for very long before my dream came into play. I slowly turned to face Adam, as he got this suspicious look on his face like a "what-the-hell-are-you-thinking" face. I smiled and simply said:

"Let me come on tour with you."



Wow, another cliffhanger? I think I'm getting the hang of it! Why do I do it you ask?

Because NOBODY votes and comments!

so here's and and comment!

keep it real, babes

Over and Over- an Adam Gontier love storyWhere stories live. Discover now