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A beam of light struck my face and the warmth slowly woke me up. Before I opened my eyes I mentally yelled at myself for waking up from such a deep sleep. I was so warm underneath the blankets, it felt as if there was a heater directly underneath the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and moved my hand slightly trying to figure out what was under my touch. I blinked a couple times and realized that I was laying on Tenya's bare chest.

Red instantly overtook the complexion on my face and I backed away quickly. In my quick movements, I didn't realize how close to the edge of the bed I was and fell off, taking the beds blanket with me. I barely caught myself before my face hit the floor and the blanket draped itself over me.


"(Y/n)? Are you ok?!" The blanket lifted away from my face and I looked up to see Tenya's face looking at me. I eased myself into a sitting position and massaged one of my wrists.

"Yeah I'll be ok. My wrist just hurts a little."

"Did something scare you?" My eyes widened and I could feel my face getting even more red, which I didn't think was possible.

"Uh, n-no! I just... I was trying to go to the bathroom and I tripped!"

"Oh, Okay. Well, did you want to go see what everyone was doing for breakfast?"

"Um, yeah. Let me change really quick." I quickly got up and grabbed a change of clothes, then ran to the bathroom. Once inside and the door closed I took a deep breath, calming my racing thoughts. As I started changing my clothes I could hear small shuffling sounds on the other side of the door. I assumed that Tenya was changing too and a moment later I heard a knock on the door.

I pulled my shirt on and then opened the door to him standing their with both of our toothbrushes.

"Dental health is still important!" He smiled at me and I returned one back to him. I grabbed my toothbrush and for the next couples minutes our time was consumed by this one small activity. I finished and put my toothbrush in the holder and walked into the bedroom. It was comforting to just stand in the room and see the beams of light coming through the curtains.

Tenya walked up behind me and gently wrapped an arm right above my hips.

"Ready?" He motioned me to the door and I turned to walk towards it.

"Yup, all ready." We walked out into the hallway and turned towards the direction of the dining hall. As we walked we were joined by a few more classmates who walked with us. Upon arrival to the dining hall, it was already full of laughing and yelling. Tenya and I took two seats at the long table that were next to each other. Izuku and Uraraka were seated next to Tenya. While Shoji and Toko sat next to me. Ojiro was across from me.

Food began being carried out by some workers and made it's way to the table. Some of the more rambunctious boys started digging in before the platters were fully placed on the table which made me laugh a little. Dark Shadow made his way out of Toko and wrapped around me. I pat the top of his head, then summoned Water and Earth so they could keep him company while we ate.

I took some eggs off one platter and some sausage off another. Pancakes made their way around too and I grabbed two small ones. I started eating along with everyone else, which made the room become somewhat quiet.

I only had a few bites left when Tenya leaned down to my ear to speak.

"Would you want to explore the grounds today? I heard Momo mention the other day that there was a private lake on the land."

I looked up at him and smiled, nodding my head. Being outside always made me happy, so I wouldn't pass up the opportunity.

"Since everyone is almost done, I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be watching a movie tonight at 11pm, movie will be picked by whoever comes and if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask any of the workers or even me!"

Momo sat back down and everyone started talking again. Pretty much everyone was done eating and some began leaving. I waved goodbye to my three boys and Dark Shadow as Tenya and I started walking out. Before we left though, I waved my arm and Water and Earth immediately disappeared.

Tenya and I walked out of one of the doors leading outside. I quick looked around and ran to the edge of the balcony. The area surrounding us was huge! It was forested in the far distance and closer up to the house was a beautiful garden. Tall hedges surrounded it  and pathways went in every direction. I could also see tennis courts and a basketball court on the opposite side of the garden. In the distance close to the forest was a beautiful lake that the sun bounced right off of.

"You seem excited!"

"Who wouldn't be! Just look around us!" I turned around and grabbed Tenya's hand. I bounced a few times with excitement and he just laughed at me.

"Come on, let's go." He kissed my forehead and we both walked down the steps and started down a random path.

We both walked around the gardens hand in hand for the next half hour before Tenya started leading us to the lake.

We passed trees that reached high into the sky and bushes filled with every color of flower you could imagine. The smell of water and grass lingered in the air and became more distinct as we got closer. We got to the edge of the water which was calm and quiet. The sun bounced perfectly off the water and stretched into the distance.

"Would you want to swim?" I perked up and looked behind me at Tenya who was already taking his shirt off. He then started taking his pants off which startled me a little. I turned around and blushed, hoping he wouldn't see.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go swim. A hero is always preparred!" I turned around and realized that he had swimming trunks on and was putting one of those swimming caps on. Was he wearing those trunks underneath his pants? Also the cap looks a little ridiculous.

"Um... I'm not preparred."

"No worries! Here have my shirt so you can cover yourself!" He smiled at me while handing me his shirt. I took it from him and he walked off into the lake. I stared at him as he submerged himself in the water and came back up. He looked at me and smiled again. "Aren't you going to change?"

"Uh... can you turn around?" He looked at me questioning and then nodded, instantly turning around in the opposite direction. I replaced my shirt very quickly with his and then took my pants off. Because of how tall and muscular Tenya is, his shirt was pretty long on me and covered me perfectly.

I slowly walked into the lake and once Tenya heard the water moving he turned to me.

"You look beautiful in my shirt you know." I could feel a light blush brush over my cheeks as I walked closer to him. Tenya has this weird effect on me and makes me feel so small, but not in a bad way. It's more of a comforting feeling, like I'm safe.

The water is cooling on my skin and feels nice with how hot it is outside. Tenya took me into his arms and held my back against him. I floated my legs in the water while he held me and we both looked off in the distant, enjoying the sight nature provided while also enjoying the company we provided for each other.

I really couldn't imagine a better vacation that we could be spending together, and we still have the rest of the month to look forward to.

Hiding in the Shadows // Tenya Iida x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now