Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Barlow Forest is a terrifying place in the dark. It wasn't so bad when Tyler and Conrad were with me, but alone, it was a nightmare. I know that I'll have to find the mansion quickly. It could be any moment that Judas wakes up, and that thought itself is what fuels me. I don't know what I'll do if he's already awake. I don't know what I'll do if he has my necklace, but I do know I will do anything to get it back.  

I frown to myself, realizing I probably should have brought a weapon. Tyler had several hunting rifles, which I barely know how to use, but surely something would be better than nothing.

Too late now.

The longer I walked, the more confused I was. I wasn't sure where I was going, or if I'd even be able to find the mansion again. I knew my parents wouldn't bother checking my room until eight o'clock tomorrow, which is usually when I'm already up and helping my mother prepare breakfast. It would be out of the ordinary for me to not show up to help cook, and so I have to be back home before then, or I was going to have to come up with a convincing lie, which was never something I was good at.

I have a little over nine hours to find the mansion and make my way back home before my parents or Tyler realize I'm gone.

Every little noise makes me jump. The night is freezing, and yet, I'm sweating. My heart is pounding, and I am terrified to encounter a grizzly bear, or worse; a Barlow witch.

I hear something behind me and I quickly spin around, and face the flashlight in the direction of the noise, but I see nothing. It was my imagination.

It was not a witch. There are no witches here.

It was a lie, witches could be hiding anywhere, but right now, I pretend they do not exist.

I calm myself by taking several deep breaths, before continuing on.

And hour into the search, my hands are numb and my knit hat keeps rising above my ears, making my ears cold, and I keep having to pull my hat back down, but it always slips back up and I think someone is following me, but nobody is.

I am a cowardly mess.

Nevertheless, I keep moving.

I walk carefully so I don't trip. The forest is complete black other than my flashlight which is very strong due to how old it is. I begin to wonder if I'll find the mansion at all. I don't really know where I am. I know it is because of the curse that I can't find it, but I still try to recollect the route we took anyway. I don't know if it is possible to break a curse, or to even be an exception to one, but due to my desperation, and lack of options I try anyway.

On hour four of walking, I had to take a break. I sat against a tree and chewed on some dried deer meat that I had packed. My eyelids feel heavy with only my determination holding them up. I've been up for much longer than twenty-four hours now, and the majority, if not all of those hours I have been on my feet working endlessly to get things done.

The only fuel I am running on at this point, is pure, frantic adrenaline.

On hour five, I have grown delirious. Every noise made is taunting me. Laughing at me like a witch. There are witches everywhere. That is what I have concluded. The witch that cursed Sloan has been following me. She's laughing at me. She's mocking me.

I am so tired.

I see something up ahead. I'm convinced that it's my imagination playing a cruel joke on me. Maybe I've been cursed to see nothing but delusions. I see a building, but it can't be the mansion. There is no way I had actually succeeded. I had confidence in myself, but not really.

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