
23 1 0

I woke up, the beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room other than soft breathing. i looked over to the side to see hawks laying in a hospital chair, hair unkempt with tear streaks down his face.

his hand was holding mine, he had a loose grip considering he was asleep. but altogether i wonder how many days i was out. i don't think it was long guessing by the fact he was still in the same clothes , but it might've been a few days.

i rubbed my thumb softly across the top of his hand, watching his eyes flutter open slowly. as so as his eyes met mine he got up and gave me a gentle hug, considering i was still hurt. He started sobbing into my shoulder, i rubbed my hands down his back soothing him.

once he sat back down he started to say a few things,
"I-I thought i h-had l-lost y-ou." he said, tears threatening to spill from his golden brown eyes. i rubbed my hand against his cheek, " i would never leave you Keigo."

"How long was i out?" i asked considering i had probably missed school. "around two days, and suprisingly we weren't on the news so i'll have to find and excuse for you chickadee." he said with a small chuckle.

"also while you were out your class got attacked by the villains we fought that night." he said leaving me shocked. "really?!" i said worried for my classmates and teachers whereabouts and health.

"They all got out alive, but Aizawa was severly injured. Nezu made him go back right away so he's still in bandages from head to toe. you of course still have bandages aswell, but the time you were asleep you healed enough to let you go back to school. you'll just have bandages on your thighs and ankles. they hurt you more while you were out. they also tried to kidnap you but i didn't let it happen. i'm happy you're alive Sunshine." he said ruffling my hair.

i stretched most of my body, seeing i was still in pain, before getting up to get out of the hospital gown and into some clothes hawks had brought for me.
"Alright Chickadee, you ready to go?" he asked walking up to me with a small smile plastered on his face. "Of course so anyways," i said as we started to walk towards the front desk. "it's already around 20:00. so i have school tomorrow?" i said glancing at my phone to make sure i had gotten the time right.

"yeah, i'm gonna have to make up and excuse for ya since i can't tell them you were doing hero work or i might lose my job as a hero and you might get expelled." he said sighing as he thanked the hospital clerk as we walked out of the glass doors feeling the fresh air.

"you are only seventeen after all and your still in U.A. you usually get your provisional license and start signing up for agency's there but your basically like my daughter so i got you early." he said smiling.

The bus ride home was quiet, even though he's the number two hero, seeing that hawks' clothes had blood on them was enough to keep them quiet.

Once we got back to Keigo's place, i walked up to my room and flopped onto my bed. i was still hurting in my legs so school tomorrow is gonna suck ass.

i slowly started drifting off as Keigo walked into the room  to kiss me on the forehead, "good night Sunshine." he said as he turned off the lights right before i fell asleep.
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I slapped it in protest of my own sanity. i groaned as i got up to stretch my body, my wings were also hurt in battle so the base of my wings has bandages and i don't think i can use them.

i tried to stretch my wings but i was just met with a sharp pain leading from the base of my wings to the very tips. tears pricked my eyes, threatening to spill as i got dressed. i can't put my wings away cause that'll just cause more pain, i have to keep them out.

i walked out of the room, and into the kitchen to get some cereal. i was met with Keigos tired face as he walked out of his room. "hey bud." i said watching him walk over to a chair to sit in and sulk.

"went to sleep late huh?" i said pouring the milk into my cereal. "yeah..." his muffled voice said as he stretched his wings, not in pain like i was.

"this school day is gonna suck... i'm literally in pain in my legs, wings, and arms. i also have a fucking headache..." i said eating my cereal slowly, every bite made my head hurt worse.

hearing that he got up from his seat and gave me a hug from behind me, being careful around the wings. "Today will be good, i can feel it, okay? so go do your best, make sure not to hurt yourself though!" he said as i slowly got up out of my chair to go put my shoes on and head to school.

"Bye Keigo!" i said walking out the door, "Bye Chickadee! have a good day at school!" he said as he put his toast in the toaster, watching it heat up.

as soon as i closed the door and walked a few feet away, i let out a huge sigh. "i thank him for hyping me up but today is gonna be a bitch..." i said slowly making my trudge to the school.
The school feels bigger since the last time i saw it. apparently hawks is gonna stop by right before school ends so he can meet with Mr.Aizawa to tell him why i was absent.

Well, not actually tell him, no matter what he might not understand. I walked into class, suddenly all eyes were on me. Midoriya, Tenya, And Ochako ran up to me crushing me in a hug.

"Ow!" i exclaimed, considering they had squeezed my wings, one of the main parts that had gotten hurt in battle. They pulled away quickly, exchanging sorrys between me.

"Hey why are your wings hurt?" Midoriya asked, taking a closer look at the bandages taking up a quarter of my wings.

"Oh, heh.. i accidentally fell while flying, i got distracted and the next thing i knew i couldn't flap my wings cause of the pain." i said memories of the battle flooding my mind.

"Oh well, welcome back!" they all said bringing me to my seat so that i could relax. Battle memories are gonna be the worst thing today, i didn't know this would happen.

When i get home i'm definitely crying my eyes out.
so uhhhh i fell asleep and didn't finish this chapter in time, and this chapter kinda sucks but okay. uhhh imma keep writing

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