Chapter 2.

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"Why father? Why out of all things, you decide to take another child into your care?" Damian told sharply.

Bruce sighed and turned, making eye contract with his youngest.

"Damian it is only for a year, the French exchange has parents never less so. I won't be adopting her into the family anyway," Bruce claimed while fixing up his tie.

"I wonder how long that will stay true," Jason muttered.

Bruce glared at his second oldest in annoyance.

"Come on B, we all know that once you get attached you don't know how to let go," commented Dick from the corner of the room.

Tim silently nodded and continued drinking his coffee in his hand.

Instead of replying, His father began his way out of the room to wait for Alfred to return with the exchange student.

Damian took the time to follow his father out with his siblings. Making it out the front, Damian registered the car that came to a stop in front of them.

He watched Alfred get out of the car and opened the door at the back. Damian placed his attention on the hand that had grabbed Alfred's, as the person stepped out of the vechile.

Damian spotted the girl and immediately thought she was to small. She stood about 5'3, black hair, bluebell eyes. She seems to hold all the description of a Wayne except the tragic backstory.

The girl had taken her luggage before Alfred could explain and walked up towards his family.

Smiling, the girl bowed before speaking up.

"I thank you for your kindness in letting me stay with you Mr Wayne. I apologize for any trouble I have put you in with my visit," the girl spoke in fluent English with a little bit of a fench accent.

His father brought up his hand and smiled sightly at the girl.

"It is alright Miss Dupain-Cheng, what a delight it is to Meet such a talented young lady like yourself. I was impressed when reading your file."

The girl seemed redder when she received his father's compliment.

"Thank you Mr Wayne, I simply did what anyone else would have done. And please call me Marinette, I have been told that my surname is quite a mouthful."

"Very well Marinette, than please call me Bruce. May I introduce you to my sons, " His father motions for Grayson to step up.

"This is my eldest, Richard Grayson."

Grayson stood in front of the girl and stuck out his hand.

"Hello! It is nice to meet you Marinette, please call me Dick, everyone does. I hope You enjoy your stay in Gotham!"

The girl smiled up at his brother and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Dick. I'm sure I will enjoy Gotham!"

Giving her his award-winning smile, Grayson made his way back towards his father.

"My second oldest, Jason Todd."

"Pleasure to meet you Pixie-pop. I'm by far the coolest out of my siblings. Stick with me and your visit will be far more interesting, " Todd bowed teasingly making the girl giggle softly.

"Same too you Jason, I may take you up on that offer. Their's never to much fun. " Todd winked while he made his way back to his spot.

" Tim Drake, my third oldest."

Drake waved awkwardly before he opened his mouth.

"Hi Marinette. I admire the work you have done in Paris, the gardens would be beautiful this time of the year."

"Thank you Tim, I'm just glad that I could help in anyway possible. " Tim nodded joining the line once again.

"And my youngest, Damian Wayne."

Damian just stayed where he was and looked at the girl emotionless. The girl took it upon herself to speak first.

It is great to meet you Damian, I hope that we can be friends. " Damian scolded.

"I don't need friends."

The girl looked at him for a sec before she nodded.


Damian felt his father's dissapointed stare but ignored it and turned away.

"TT, I will be going to my room now, " Damian walked away before anyone could complain.

'Just because father was polite enough to take in the exchange student, doesn't mean I will become someone I'm not. ' Damian thought as he made his way to his room.

"Specially if that so called exchange student is just some plain, French, school girl."

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