Chapter 33: Viktor's Embrace (Mature!)

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** This chapter contains material of a sexual nature and is intended for mature audiences**

When Josette and Peter returned home, they were greeted by a shrieking Lorie.  At first, Josette thought her daughter was hurt.  She rushed over to her and took her in her arms:

"Lorelei, are you alright?  What happened?" 

"Oh, Maman!  I had the best day ever!"  Lorie couldn't contain her happiness.  "Look at her!"  She proudly displayed a pretty doll dressed like a princess.  Her outfit looked a bit used, but she was otherwise in good condition.

Josette arched an eyebrow:  "Did you already have this doll?  It looks like it's been played with."

"That's because it has.  Her name is Giselle.  I got her as a present from my new best friend!"  Lorie jumped up and down, making Josette dizzy.

"You have a new best friend?" Josette muttered, confused.  She looked at Peter, but he simply shrugged, apparently as clueless as she was.

"Yes!  Come with me!"  Lorie pulled her mother into the study.  There, Josette saw a little dark-haired girl with bright blue eyes and pink cheeks.  The girl was dressed in a yellow dress with a pattern of white daisies, cut in the latest fashion.  She curtsied gracefully in front of Josette.

"This is Delphine," Lorie introduced the girl to her mother.  "We met today at the park!  She is from Paris too... like us!"

"Very nice to meet you, Delphine," Josette smiled at the girl. 

"You are very pretty... just like Lorie said," Delphine said shyly.  Josette was pleased by the compliment.  The girl had good manners and certainly knew how to flatter.

"Delphine and I would like to have a tea party in my room.  May we?"  Lorie asked impatiently.

"I suppose so," Josette said, unsure of the whole situation.  "Where is Papa?"  She asked Lorie.

"He had to go back to work.  But he said it was alright with him," Lorie answered.  "In fact, it was his idea to begin with."

"And do Delphine's parents know where she is?"  Josette asked.

"Of course!  Papa is a good friend of theirs.  He spoke to Delphine's Maman at the park.  And she said Delphine could come over for tea.  She will send her nanny to pick her up later."

"I see..." Josette muttered.  "And if I may ask, who are your parents?"  Josette turned toward Delphine.

"My father is Viscount Philippe de Marchal.  My mother is Isabelle de Marchal," Delphine replied. "Do you know them, by any chance?"

"No.  I'm afraid not.  But I'm sure we will have the chance to meet, since Viktor is a friend of theirs," Josette said.

"So?"  Lorie tapped her foot restlessly.  "Can Delphine stay?"

"I don't see why not," Josette smiled at the little girls who quickly held hands and rushed upstairs.

"Thank you, Maman," Lorie called out over her shoulder before disappearing.

"You're... welcome," Josette replied, but the two were already gone.

Josette turned toward Peter who was leaning against a wall, an amused expression on his face.

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