Chapter Eleven: The Break

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Two days off from school as a reward for doing well in the Sports Festival, that's what we get. It's technically four, though, since the following two days are the weekend. Everyone else is elated, and don't get me wrong I am totally excited to be having this break, but I'm still not completely at ease.

I'm worried about Tenya and his brother.

He's texted me a few times since he left the Sports Festival, keeping me updated and expressing his gratitude that I'm there for him. I try not to text him first, I don't want to bother him while he's trying to spend time with his brother in the hospital.

Today's Saturday, two days since I've seen him last. I've been training and working out nonstop to try and get my mind off of it, but I still find myself lunging for my phone every time a notification sounds, and sighing in disappointment when it's not from Tenya.

I'm currently training with Ataku. Hand to hand combat training to be exact. We've been at this for a few hours now and I don't feel like on stopping anytime soon, though I should. It's alright late in the afternoon and I know I've pushed myself a lot today.

My thoughts are cloudy as we fight, and I find myself using Ataku as my stress outlet. I deliver an extra hard kick to the middle of his chest, sending him flying into the weight rack behind him.

"Well you're feistier than usual. Are you still worried about your friend?" Ataku pants, wiping some sweat from his eyebrow.

"Sorry, sorry," I mumble —breathing heavily myself— and walk over to pull him up from the rack, "Yeah, it's just that I know how much he cares about Tensei and I know how much it's killing Tenya to have to see him like this."

Ataku smiles at me and brushes some sweaty strands of hair out of my face. "I understand, it's good that you're worried. It shows how much you care for him," he says softly.

"Yeah, he's a great guy," I grin, "It would be hard not to care for him."

I'm grateful that my face is already red from training or Ataku would be able to see my blush right now. I really do care for Tenya, so much, and I want him to know that.

He nudges my shoulder with his fist before handing me a towel. "Alright, that's enough training for today, we don't want to push your body too hard," he chuckles, "Let's start putting things up and then we can head back upstairs to do some cool down if you want."

I nod my head and use the towel to wipe away some of the sweat from my face. Weights clank as I place them back on the rack before I start unraveling the tape from around my hands. I'm about halfway through whenever a ringing sound fills the room.

Both mine and Ataku's eyes snap to the source, my phone buzzing on the workout bench. I glance down to my sticky and half taped hands before looking back up to meet his gaze.

"I'll just get it," he offers, rushing over to it.

"Who is it?" I ask, jogging up to him.

As my eyes dart to the screen, my heart drops all the way down to my stomach. Displayed in bold letters is "Speedy," Tenya's contact name in my phone. A jumble of worst case scenarios run through my mind in just a fraction of a second.

"Just put it on speaker," I say nervously, gesturing for Ataku to answer it.

He sends me a worried smile as he presses the green accept button on the screen, pressing the speaker button immediately after. My fingers work quickly at the tape on my hands, trying to pull it off. I instantly go into panic mode, my mouth running faster than my mind.

"Tenya? Are you alright? Is everything okay?" I ask quickly, the words sounding jumbled and rushed.

"Yes, everything is okay. I'm alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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